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Bus Enthusiasts

The wheels go round and round.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Will I get caught.
01-12-17 1:22
9 1.5K
Dublin Bikes Survey
01-12-17 17:43
1 381
Family Day Dublin Bus Pass?
28-11-17 16:33
9 1.3K
Luas question. Green line
24-11-17 21:27
14 1.5K
Bus Eireann Expressway launch new site with €5 fares
09-08-13 13:21
17 5.8K
Problems after buying Bus Eireann blue zone ticket on leap card app
12-10-17 10:27
7 782
Bus Eireann Possible Strike 12...67
22-09-17 16:55
181 12.2K
Quick question re OAP travel
26-11-17 17:28
9 708
Pity bus users are not as motivated as cyclists 1234
22-11-17 15:49
105 5.3K
Bus Eireann: €3.5 million profit for 2018?
24-11-17 7:07
16 1.2K
CCTV Buses/trains
26-11-17 11:40
3 465
Too many in a small car. Is it OK to refuse a lift? 12
25-11-17 18:12
55 6.7K
Taking a TV in a taxi
26-11-17 16:10
7 549
Free Travel Pass
24-11-17 13:16
16 1.3K
Dublin Bus Roadshow in Lucan this Friday
18-10-17 21:04
2 700
trucking company
24-11-17 12:12
0 258
€1.3bn shortfall in transport spending
22-11-17 17:03
18 1.4K
Parking on the quays on a weeknight
22-11-17 23:15
3 545
Bus Éireann Expressway Dublin-Limerick
29-01-14 18:52
18 2.9K
Multi-leg journeys - when to interchange?
20-11-17 8:09
8 675
Using dashcam footage to report dangerous driving
16-11-17 11:49
6 1.5K
Permanent Traffic Changes - Dawson St & Surrounds 12...45
06-09-17 14:43
125 9.5K
Luas fine- appeals process - length of time a response usually takes?
16-11-17 17:16
16 2.5K
Invisible cyclists. 12...2829
19-10-17 11:00
855 30.2K
Whats the next big Luas project ? 1234
10-11-17 15:59
96 8.3K
Irish Rail Fine 123
17-11-17 13:55
75 4.4K
Heuston to Kildare
19-11-17 13:10
3 387
Luas Cross City Question - Stephens Green to Heuston Station?
19-11-17 10:40
2 747
Breaking News : NTA gets new ChairMAN !
18-11-17 14:21
8 823
Public Transport Development in Regional Cities
18-11-17 22:38
3 287