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Bus Enthusiasts

The wheels go round and round.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Learner Driver.. Roundabout clarification
07-06-24 9:12
2 271
Do the transport operators share fares?
05-06-24 15:17
5 332
Dublin Bus has thieves on its buses
05-06-24 11:54
8 1K
05-06-24 11:21
3 322
free Now - "Cancelled" drivers turning up anyway - Pay attention
24-05-24 4:38
18 2.3K
TFI/NTA - what do they do anyway?
22-05-24 19:32
15 974
Courier recommendation furniture Dublin to Dublin
22-05-24 11:30
1 103
Overnight parking in Dublin City Centre
21-05-24 12:49
0 131
Guarda hand held radar cameras
19-05-24 17:39
11 541
Coach driver delibrately going slow?
18-05-24 18:23
2 561
Help getting to Conyngham Road Dublin 8
18-05-24 9:45
28 991
Bus Éireann Unofficial Stops Advice
16-05-24 21:36
4 346
Luas services restored after power outage this evening.
15-05-24 18:18
0 121
30k speed limits for all urban areas on the way 12...3334
10-05-24 19:34
1.7K 41.9K
Car damaged in supeemarket car park - neck of some people.
10-05-24 15:45
22 2.1K
Why Can't We Have Nice Things?
05-05-24 16:15
23 1.9K
Best way to book a Taxi
03-05-24 16:41
7 706
Stain from train
02-05-24 10:56
0 221
Best spot to hitchhike out of Galway towards Dublin?
Answered ✓
01-05-24 12:45
37 1.6K
Overtaking question
30-04-24 16:44
13 681
Bus services getting worse due to improved network
30-04-24 8:56
23 2K
37 outbound not showing on TFI app
26-04-24 8:44
4 241
Portmarnock to City Centre (3 Arena) - Best Options
24-04-24 19:24
14 463
Dublin Port Tunnel air quality
17-04-24 8:46
38 1.9K
Have a coffee while driving
16-04-24 7:59
35 2.4K
BE Kinsale 226 Timetable Shenanigans
13-04-24 9:35
4 341
VanHool has gone bust - Coach division to be acquired by VDL
10-04-24 22:17
4 451
New Wexford Bus Route 884 Gorey to Wexford via Ballycanew from April 12th.
10-04-24 11:22
1 171
New Carlow town bus service 1234
09-04-24 22:00
181 10.6K
Why is there no digital leap card for digital wallets 123
09-04-24 0:06
127 11.6K