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06-05-14 15:21
3 798
Identifying your running weakness?
06-05-14 20:34
5 765
Wings for Life - elbows for life
06-05-14 17:21
3 895
Charity Miles...
06-05-14 8:20
0 269
Running in Waterford City
05-05-14 19:55
3 496
What should one eat/drink after long runs?
04-05-14 21:58
10 1.2K
Pre marathon training
02-05-14 20:50
26 1.8K
Beermile World Record - 4:57 12
29-04-14 8:40
31 3K
Insertional Achilles Tendinosis anyone?!
01-05-14 11:52
7 746
Tyson Gay gets a ridiculously lenient 1 year ban, USADA are a joke
02-05-14 20:59
9 1.1K
ARist in the spotlight.... Menoscemo 1234
29-04-14 9:17
92 8K
A/R Soap opera alter egos?
02-05-14 7:46
19 1.7K
Something to keep in mind at those Obstacle Races
02-05-14 13:51
4 620
Running in Yosemite? 12
29-01-14 12:37
44 2.6K
Beginner runner - pointers?
17-07-13 1:51
7 1.4K
Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?
01-05-14 20:52
1 415
Calibrating Garmin Kimmage/Terenure Area
01-05-14 15:55
4 428
Kenyan marathoner pushed to finish race
30-04-14 22:00
18 1.9K
First Marathon..
25-04-14 21:19
8 956
New to jogging/ knee injury.
30-04-14 20:22
6 599
Tuesday fun: What does running mean to you?
29-04-14 16:37
25 1.7K
2nd fastest Female Marathon runner ever banned
30-04-14 21:02
1 493
New Runners
30-04-14 16:37
1 432
Top 10 Irish Performances In Track And Field History
29-04-14 23:43
9 1K
'Alternative' Marathon Race Strategy 12
25-04-14 8:28
51 5.3K
British Pathé Film Release
26-04-14 8:00
7 906
ARist of the week - claralara 123
21-04-14 20:11
64 6.9K
To Wear, Or Not To Wear...
28-04-14 11:10
5 984
Best Strengthening Exercises For Runners Knee?
26-04-14 16:57
3 574
Article on Neil Cusack winning the Boston Marathon 40 years ago
25-04-14 20:29
0 418