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10k for the 1st time !!!!
17-05-14 17:59
10 912
Drinking on a run.
17-05-14 13:59
5 688
Track sessions near Maynooth
16-05-14 0:07
2 422
Bro Pearse / Tallaght Club
16-05-14 9:22
5 562
Weight Training for Runners
14-05-14 14:08
14 1.3K
FIRST trainging programme
14-05-14 22:53
7 617
Any news on DCM elite field
12-05-14 12:28
6 1.3K
First Marathon - What pace to run
13-05-14 22:53
10 1.3K
Query on newbie runner 12
30-04-14 13:24
52 4.5K
45 - 40 10k Runs
12-05-14 11:50
15 1.9K
Sub 20 in Galway 5K Series
01-05-14 13:03
14 1.7K
DCM - Roebuck Road Hill 12
03-09-13 17:10
32 5.2K
Yoga for Runners
12-05-14 9:37
11 1.4K
My first Ultra...suggestions please?
12-05-14 17:21
9 844
Chivito550 in the well 12
05-05-14 21:36
48 5.6K
New years resolution - half done !
12-05-14 13:03
2 429
Paris athletics clubs?
09-05-14 17:43
2 428
London Olympics II 2016?
09-05-14 19:35
5 977
High Jump hotting up for World Indoors
12-01-14 10:56
12 1.2K
Should WR's have a life span?
10-05-14 12:09
23 1.7K
1/2 Marathon
11-05-14 21:15
2 577
Advice for newbie on running
11-05-14 2:45
7 776
Faster marathon course: Amsterdam versus Dublin
04-05-14 21:00
8 1.3K
Running v cycling
29-04-14 0:41
7 1.3K
Irish marathon teams for European championships
08-05-14 20:33
10 1.1K
Good running club in Dublin 12
09-04-14 23:21
32 5.6K
Back to fitness for impending half marathon
09-05-14 13:12
2 347
Training during a 4 week league
09-05-14 13:05
2 243
Running near DCU
08-05-14 12:57
12 943
trinity track
21-04-10 12:24
15 1.9K