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State Benefits

Anything and everything to do with state benefits.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Disability benefit and part time working?
30-09-12 20:54
1 665
Widows pension..contributory or non contributory??
15-09-12 17:27
10 5.9K
Unsure About Claiming State Benefit
30-09-12 10:43
3 649
30-09-12 12:00
1 415
first visit to social welfare office
29-09-12 23:12
3 733
Pregnant and single
17-06-12 14:12
2 1.1K
Change in Circumstances
28-09-12 16:21
1 486
Re sign on?
12-09-12 10:06
2 444
Form for Casual Labour for Employer to Sign
28-09-12 10:30
2 424
Recently laid off/ Do I qualify for Job Seekers Allowance?
28-09-12 13:58
1 433
My entitlements if hubby goes abroad
26-09-12 12:27
15 2.8K
26-09-12 18:11
11 856
Practical aspects of job bridge internship
11-08-12 22:01
3 985
21-09-12 23:55
4 613
Housing Support Services
27-09-12 15:09
0 309
Jobseekers Allowance rate living out of home
25-09-12 20:04
1 747
Is there any fertility drugs offered on medical card
26-09-12 21:36
8 2.1K
Jobbridge and Cohabiting
26-09-12 13:23
4 1.2K
JSA Question
25-09-12 22:25
1 439
Fas course allowances
26-09-12 13:22
0 371
Maternity Benefit ( but soon to be unemployed)
24-09-12 16:31
7 985
FIS, back to work after maternity
26-09-12 10:52
0 411
25-09-12 23:05
4 457
JSA and Childcare costs
24-09-12 21:25
6 639
FAS - JSA vs JSB etc
25-09-12 19:44
0 415
Trying to get back on VTOS Payment
25-09-12 18:14
2 603
rent allowance & fas & ras
25-09-12 13:26
0 586
Renting while on jobseekers benefit
24-09-12 22:55
1 418
JSA Review
24-09-12 15:48
0 553
Jobseekers allowance, self-employed
16-09-12 14:07
12 3.9K