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State Benefits

Anything and everything to do with state benefits.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
PRSI contribution letter
09-10-12 21:10
4 502
20-09-11 19:04
18 3.6K
Waiting on JA, got signing card in post
10-10-12 11:14
6 412
just been layed off for the first time
10-10-12 14:29
1 307
Changing address
10-10-12 14:48
0 301
Driving lessons and welfare question
10-10-12 12:03
1 508
3 day week entitlements?
09-10-12 14:27
3 1.2K
Quitting - JSB or JSA?!
09-10-12 20:07
1 449
Back to Education Allowance No Decision Yet - Starting course in 2 days time
10-09-12 8:36
12 2.9K
part time work on jobseekers benefit x's and o's
04-05-12 19:00
5 13.5K
Btea Refusal some advice
09-10-12 14:02
0 469
Income limits for Fuel Allowance
08-10-12 12:43
2 779
am I entitled to stay signed on??
09-10-12 0:13
1 394
Receiving Dole after quitting Job?
03-10-12 12:45
4 1.1K
Fuel allowance & VTOS
27-09-12 10:38
2 1.3K
Emergency funding
02-10-12 11:23
22 2.6K
Eligibility for rent allowance-living at home
02-10-12 18:51
4 2.8K
OPF withdrew
08-10-12 16:19
1 486
Widowed or Surviving Civil Partner Grant, any info from the experts?
07-10-12 16:43
6 912
Child Fostering Rates
08-10-12 13:34
1 1.1K
Do you have to sign off if you get a job?
30-07-12 16:01
7 1.5K
credited contributions
07-10-12 14:18
1 391
Time taken for repeat claim for JSA
06-10-12 17:09
2 693
casual trading licence and BTEA
05-10-12 19:06
9 646
BTEA & part time work
05-10-12 23:28
1 456
part time work and signing on
28-09-12 18:49
22 4.2K
Moving from credits to JSA
04-10-12 12:26
4 457
JSA and Part time work
05-10-12 14:57
1 396
Bullied at local office
05-10-12 11:45
2 915
carers allowance
02-09-12 16:01
5 1.6K