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State Benefits

Anything and everything to do with state benefits.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
On Jobseekers allowance can i start a business
30-01-11 22:45
12 13.2K
Neutering and Social Welfare
04-10-12 21:05
3 1K
Medical Card Issue!!
04-10-12 21:07
1 426
Job seekers benefit
01-10-12 21:22
14 2.7K
Non contributory pension
04-10-12 10:53
1 563
Illness Benefit
04-10-12 10:08
1 430
They won't give me winter fuel allowance
03-10-12 18:13
6 2.2K
Tralee JSB to JSA
03-10-12 18:50
0 264
Part time work, JSA and back month
02-10-12 10:09
2 406
Proof of address
03-10-12 15:13
2 449
Jobseeker's Allowance means test application
03-10-12 13:33
1 637
cant get through to northside rent central unit
28-09-12 11:01
2 671
what rate of pay should i be receiving
01-10-12 15:08
8 656
sick certs
27-09-12 14:06
5 1.9K
Letter from the Social Welfare
01-10-12 14:34
7 2K
24 years old - can i get 188 euro?
02-10-12 18:36
30 3.8K
I got an extra 30 euro today in my dole
28-09-12 18:49
10 1.7K
Local employment office
02-10-12 19:55
0 522
Jobseekers allowance
02-10-12 17:14
2 474
How is this right?
26-09-12 14:49
15 2.2K
Non-job bridge internship
01-10-12 17:18
5 724
02-10-12 11:33
3 380
Childrens allowance if not in Ireland
27-09-12 13:22
7 1.8K
illness benefit and fuel allowence
20-09-12 19:32
5 1.3K
Please help.Rent allowance.
01-10-12 15:24
4 652
is fuel allowance automatic or do I need to apply
23-09-12 15:32
2 880
On JSA, possibility of 1 days work per week...
01-10-12 20:30
1 352
Desperate times:
30-09-12 14:00
10 1.3K
Going from PhD to the dole?
24-09-12 16:34
3 931
29-09-12 17:02
8 1.3K