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State Benefits

Anything and everything to do with state benefits.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
efire and evison
02-03-14 3:02
1 465
Rent allowance home call
14-01-14 3:19
12 1.4K
Called for two things on the same day.
01-03-14 19:45
2 601
interview with Social Welfare re OPFP
28-02-14 0:36
8 2.9K
Medical Card
27-02-14 23:25
1 583
can't get any dole - advice please
28-02-14 18:21
3 914
Delaying Claming Job Seekers Benefit
27-02-14 17:58
2 678
Can my friend claim The Dole.
27-02-14 22:13
12 1.2K
Leaving employment to mind my 2 kids. What can I claim?
18-02-14 12:37
6 1.4K
First time claiming jsa
27-02-14 18:49
9 767
"are you single"
27-02-14 10:09
16 3.1K
Rent Allowance Q re. 6mnths previous renting
26-02-14 4:58
3 506
Education+Training Fair @ Clarion Liffey Valley
27-02-14 17:06
2 484
25-02-14 19:47
4 746
means test jsa
26-02-14 23:37
1 374
how long is the waiting list for appeals
27-02-14 0:29
1 345
Claiming for 3 days a week.
26-02-14 15:29
2 481
Job Seeker's Allowance abroad
26-02-14 19:32
7 727
Volunteering trip while on BTEA
26-02-14 18:28
3 369
Reclaiming Holiday Days
26-02-14 15:52
3 403
Changing Social Housing Location
26-02-14 11:13
2 654
On JB should I take internship?
26-02-14 18:04
0 254
New Casual Dockets
24-02-14 22:17
4 1.4K
X's and O's query
25-02-14 1:36
6 584
Partial capacity benefit
06-02-14 16:03
4 1.3K
What should I do? Leave voluntarily or?
26-02-14 13:34
3 426
do i still need to sign on?
25-02-14 1:44
4 606
Partial capacity/CEscheme
12-02-14 15:37
1 785
optical benefit form
25-02-14 19:19
2 356
Any extra financial assistance?
25-02-14 13:13
2 461