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Legal Discussion

Discussing legal issues and news.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
ownership query
21-05-18 12:18
11 818
help with criminal matter
29-05-18 0:22
5 701
partners ex partners on mortgage,hasn't paid in years 12
27-01-16 10:52
56 8.2K
Cocaine testing limits in Ireland court
29-05-18 2:03
3 442
29-05-18 0:55
1 360
Putting your vote on social media
25-05-18 13:21
10 1.2K
Changing name by deed poll
28-05-18 14:51
3 331
Garda Intimidation and Threats
27-05-18 18:41
25 2.4K
Flight cancelled with one hour notice, stuck in airpott
27-05-18 19:13
6 849
Will / Probate
28-05-18 7:24
1 485
Drilling thru' party wall
27-05-18 19:02
17 1.7K
Victim Impact Statement
27-05-18 18:30
0 236
Nullity of marriage
24-05-18 19:52
7 849
Mortgage after Divorce
23-05-18 5:49
12 2.3K
Co-habitation and breakup 12
25-05-18 10:15
49 3.7K
Am I a Citizen?!
25-05-18 21:37
5 600
Hotel cancellation
26-05-18 12:33
5 504
Witness summons
19-05-18 22:47
2 601
Foreign assets included in estate value for grant of probate?
25-05-18 20:35
1 213
Driving a courtesy car and insurance
17-05-18 11:40
21 1.7K
Public access to Court
25-05-18 17:25
1 283
Gifted land
08-05-18 18:16
8 1.4K
Working visa USA
24-05-18 13:11
1 322
Assigning Contracts
24-05-18 0:39
1 301
22-05-18 14:23
4 767
Suing ticketmaster
23-05-18 8:36
25 2.8K
Do a cinema have a right to withold a refund if the patron was too young? 12
16-05-18 18:30
59 6.4K
Being harrassed over tickets 1234
21-05-18 18:57
95 18.3K
Changing first name by deed poll
22-05-18 11:48
4 394
Using the CSO for small claims court
10-05-18 20:40
10 525