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Legal Discussion

Discussing legal issues and news.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Conveyancing, house with septic tank
11-05-18 11:59
11 3.3K
solicitor bill Of Costs letter Question
21-05-18 21:50
12 675
Adding someone to house deeds
21-05-18 18:38
2 489
Builder not replying to Plenary Summons
21-05-18 13:00
5 492
Private investigator?
18-05-18 15:33
4 788
Misuse of Drugs Act 1977/1984
18-05-18 12:16
5 426
Accessing a building site via an "unofficial" route 12
17-05-18 15:18
33 2K
NAMA will not obey Data Protection Commissioner instructions
15-05-18 14:15
13 903
GDPR & Employee Data 12
17-05-18 12:38
35 2.2K
sharing images of children on line... specific legislation
18-05-18 15:28
6 537
repeal 8th amendment questions - current laws
18-05-18 9:28
1 184
QLTT Summer 2018
18-05-18 17:24
0 187
Inheritance Tax , CAT,CGT
16-05-18 22:23
7 625
Taking the city council on?
17-05-18 14:35
9 558
Small claims court help
17-05-18 13:43
4 315
Error on Electoral Register - now ineligible to vote
17-05-18 18:35
1 243
Passport name change to include middle name.
17-05-18 2:57
3 1.2K
Tea Ladies -have they any comeback?
10-05-18 23:31
18 2.4K
Irish Naturalisation: Gap in Stamp 4 - [Non-EU]
17-05-18 0:48
0 222
Does the Protection of Life During pregnancy act cover people with other threats?
16-05-18 18:35
6 353
Writing legally privileged on everything
16-05-18 14:31
5 828
How would you approach a solicitor for a Data protection/consent issue
16-05-18 14:20
6 437
Personnel injuries board query
16-05-18 16:58
3 323
Cash ceased and property damaged by customs
15-05-18 14:06
27 4.2K
Successive engine failure - rights? 12
23-04-18 13:51
35 4K
Wrong address of incident
09-05-18 19:44
10 895
passport application (naturalised citizen)
13-05-18 21:14
5 348
Received a District Court Summons in the Mail 17 days before the Court Date
14-05-18 12:05
9 1.1K
High court dates
14-05-18 15:48
2 280
Protection of Money with Solicitor
14-05-18 13:23
4 331