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Junior Cert

Secondary school junior certificate.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
History - junior cert
09-06-09 11:28
1 686
Cheating 123
08-06-09 21:56
73 5.9K
study tips??
08-06-09 20:27
5 536
Edco exam papers codes
08-06-09 17:47
5 1.6K
Maths Paper 2 Predictions 12
06-06-09 19:37
32 4.9K
History Quiz for junior cert
08-06-09 19:08
4 2.4K
08-06-09 17:10
5 410
How did ye all get on in Irish paper II? 12
05-06-09 16:41
48 2.3K
Anyone been caught cheating?
07-06-09 21:58
6 724
07-06-09 23:03
3 567
why do higher level, when you can do foundatin? 123
07-06-09 19:55
85 6.1K
need help...pls reply...STUDY!! 12
02-06-09 15:35
33 1.9K
07-06-09 20:23
1 683
Theorems maths
07-06-09 16:45
3 564
Geography :D 12
05-06-09 22:02
44 2.6K
Maths Paper One. What did you think? 123
04-06-09 21:27
73 4.4K
mock results + corrections
04-03-09 22:49
20 2.3K
What to study this weekend....
05-06-09 23:39
17 1.1K
junior certificate french !!
06-06-09 18:19
13 3.3K
Subject Choices For L.C. 12...45
04-03-08 22:38
143 12.5K
Predictions - 2009 12
07-05-09 19:27
43 3.8K
What are you studying right now? 12
02-06-09 14:39
31 1.9K
What Exam Are You Most Worried About?
06-06-09 16:13
1 330
Quick Question
04-02-07 15:54
27 1.3K
How did ye all find your irish paper? 12
04-06-09 19:26
47 4.5K
Exam tips 12
02-06-09 9:31
32 2K
Mo Scoile
03-06-09 23:37
4 435
English!! 12
25-05-09 12:57
41 3K
Question - Todays english paper
03-06-09 16:48
9 769
Maths and Irish
03-06-09 22:13
4 533