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Junior Cert

Secondary school junior certificate.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Whats your study timetable like/what do you do?
06-11-09 17:22
3 891
Science experiments
24-10-09 16:39
13 2.2K
Junior Cert Art
30-09-09 18:04
30 7.2K
Junior Cup!
04-11-09 21:15
6 736
Who has studied what for mid-term?
27-10-09 21:26
39 2.1K
J.C History Essays
27-10-09 0:22
20 7.3K
10-10-09 20:12
31 3K
Best Girls school in Waterford for Music?
01-11-09 19:14
1 480
irish juinor cert poems !!!!
27-10-09 19:08
5 775
in need of french grinds
24-10-09 18:36
1 785
2 pieces of advice.
27-10-09 22:40
18 1.6K
Worst JC Results
20-10-09 18:07
2 1K
Junior cert Subjects
29-10-09 23:41
5 1.3K
Irish Oral exam
29-10-09 22:11
3 516
JC 2010 Timetable
28-10-09 18:33
1 501
Im Starting 1st Year Cant wait!
16-07-09 22:03
43 5.3K
A's in Higher Level English
14-09-09 20:03
19 2.5K
Home-ec: Craft or Childcare option?
22-10-09 21:19
8 1.2K
Could someone with Edco Irish (HL) papers..
17-10-09 14:59
7 2.1K
English papers (H)..anyone know where I can get them online?
17-10-09 14:19
1 429
Supervised Study Galway
15-10-09 16:38
0 924
Irish Prós & Poems for JC - Help!
11-10-09 17:28
1 2.2K
How much are School Fees for "Fee-paying" schools?
13-10-09 12:19
2 870
irish grinds
11-10-09 20:15
1 500
Junior Cert Art Project!!
05-10-09 14:27
4 986
Junior Cert !! Art and Home Ec ??
05-10-09 19:09
1 982
Dispraxia and the junior cert
12-09-09 0:00
4 1.3K
Optional Oral Irish for Jun Cert
29-09-09 20:17
9 2.1K
25-09-09 18:33
3 611
How did you do and did you improve on your mocks? 12
09-09-09 10:14
71 6.3K