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Discussion on Health & Fitness matters covering exercise and diet. For Weight Watchers and Power Lifters alike.

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Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
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The Normal Belly Fat Case
16-03-15 21:13
14 2.5K
is drinking water important for mass building?
26-03-15 0:27
5 739
Raw gym changing rooms
25-03-15 23:10
24 3.5K
Think my foot is damaged
26-03-15 10:25
3 345
Couch to 5k buddy wanted
26-03-15 12:12
0 363
Advice for programme?
25-03-15 13:08
2 372
advice on my diet for the next few weeks
25-03-15 11:55
7 627
Astroturf near dublin 1
23-02-15 13:16
17 1.5K
New Fitness Concept - opinions appreciated
25-03-15 11:14
1 471
Quest Bar flavours
24-03-15 18:11
10 732
Crossfit Perpetua (Near Grand Canal Docks)
24-03-15 18:27
2 450
Need a new protein powder
19-03-15 15:27
26 2.2K
Energie Nutgrove
24-03-15 13:38
0 327
Personal Trainers - a good idea?
24-03-15 12:07
8 662
Starting a running group in Ashtown/Navan Road Area
24-03-15 11:15
3 382
Where to buy brain supplements?
23-03-15 16:29
11 1.1K
Advice on Weight Lifting (Beginner)
23-03-15 23:36
1 464
How much protein ?
19-03-15 23:23
17 2K
Cost of consultant?
22-03-15 22:34
2 437
Supplement Shop near IFSC?
23-03-15 13:23
6 524
Scooby competition prep
19-03-15 20:27
7 1.3K
Does alcohol affect muscles?
17-03-15 17:09
12 1.8K
change contraceptive pill?
21-03-15 4:57
3 695
cracking joints
18-03-15 12:33
6 1.2K
Resistance Bands advice.
21-03-15 0:12
1 359
Perthes desease
20-03-15 16:25
0 344
Muscle Mass Directly Correlated to Strength 12
16-03-15 8:25
34 3.3K
GP Help Yourself Website?
20-03-15 14:16
1 352
Looking for nutritionist in Dublin city area....(Preferably Baggot Street area)
20-03-15 12:42
0 275
Greg Plitt Killed by Train!
21-01-15 16:39
26 3.7K