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Building Energy Rating
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Internal wall insulation for timber frame house
27-12-23 20:59
3 2.5K
Insulation recommendation for filling suspended floor
16-12-23 14:11
0 71
Mould on a newly dry lined wall.
13-12-23 23:02
7 431
A2 rated new build - cold air coming in the kitchen extractor fan
03-12-23 12:49
5 758
Pre purchase survey.
02-12-23 13:18
0 71
Insulation in 70's timber framed house -help!
30-11-23 21:01
13 1.7K
Varying quotes from third party external insulation companies
15-11-23 14:01
0 111
BER upgrade grants
12-11-23 8:09
13 694
Renewing BER cert
29-10-23 16:07
4 415
D1 to C3 with attic insulation and pumped cavity walls?
04-10-23 11:19
1 221
C1 to B3/B2 upgrade in an apartment
01-10-23 23:28
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New A2 House Is Freezing! 12
22-09-23 20:33
92 11.8K
U-value calculation for solid concrete walls
21-09-23 15:39
7 431
Cavity insulation and internal insulation
20-09-23 10:30
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Problem solved
17-09-23 14:42
0 51
U value of double glaze windows
13-09-23 10:28
1 111
Insulation for old house
10-09-23 16:34
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U value for walls between an Apt and unheated corridor
02-09-23 14:40
3 111
How far does one go? Cost vs Benefit
30-08-23 15:54
0 201
Selecting heating/hot water and ventilation systems in a provisional BER
22-08-23 7:36
1 51
Upgrading BER
22-08-23 6:52
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Assessor salary
18-08-23 20:31
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D1 BER: How much effort to get a B2+ rating?
15-08-23 9:25
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Any legal come back after receiving a false BER? 12
15-08-23 9:20
71 8.4K
What Insulation should I use
14-08-23 21:53
0 101
BER: where is the stuff on basements now?
10-08-23 8:38
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C1 to B3
02-08-23 7:27
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Need a BER - Lucan area, some questions
29-07-23 20:41
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Provisional BERs
20-07-23 7:04
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Ber technical advisor
21-06-23 22:29
3 181