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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Msgr William Lynn convicted of child abuse coverup
25-06-12 10:29
0 72
Communion on good friday
24-06-12 21:17
5 678
Evolution: Fact or Fiction? 12
15-06-12 2:16
34 2.9K
Average Age of A&A Forum users ? 12...45
16-06-12 11:14
126 8.5K
Soccer or Rugby? 12...45
07-06-12 10:40
144 7K
Am I a Hypocrite?
22-06-12 13:41
15 1.3K
Eucharistic Conference 12...89
10-06-12 14:56
254 18.9K
Atheists versus "non-Atheists" for organ donations 1234
10-06-12 2:53
99 8K
Dan Barker Online Chat
15-06-12 19:41
4 616
Atheist meetings 12...45
27-06-10 2:00
146 16.1K
Preaching at a Funeral
13-06-12 19:18
22 2.1K
Not being able to leave the Catholic Church - Violation of Human Rights? 123
12-01-12 2:05
78 11.1K
Many Catholics 'do not believe' church teachings 12
05-06-12 9:07
41 3.4K
Is Atheism an Ice Cream? 1234
26-05-12 1:54
110 7.7K
Public Talk: Imagination in Action
05-06-12 16:03
1 437
Ray Darcy, atheist 12
05-06-12 11:39
51 7.9K
So where / how do you want to be buried (cremated etc.) ? 12
09-06-12 22:28
34 2.7K
Recommended Books on Atheism
10-06-12 13:08
12 1.4K
The 'Supernatural' 12
05-06-12 13:20
47 3.3K
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned! 12...45
25-05-12 12:21
136 14.1K
Prayers in Montessori
10-06-12 23:05
4 912
Is Dawkins on the TV this week? 12
03-06-12 22:29
39 2.5K
"Achoo"..."?" 12
08-06-12 2:26
47 2.7K
Draw Muhammad Day III 12...1415
20-05-12 13:52
435 24.8K
Referendum - Is it just me, or were the god squad quiet this time around? 12
31-05-12 12:04
33 3.3K
Your local loon 12
24-05-12 3:05
49 4.9K
Atheist Alliance Conference 2012
28-05-12 13:56
5 966
15 Mass Extinctions - End Product: Homosapiens 12...45
02-06-12 13:43
123 6K
If Atheists can believe in the supernatural, how can they rule out there being a God? 12
01-06-12 17:48
36 3.4K
Bloody mid week confirmations 1234
13-05-12 14:23
103 10.6K