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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Why does Christianity have something against IVF? 1234
15-07-12 20:51
102 7.6K
Are modern catholics creationists??? 12
17-07-12 21:30
36 2.1K
Google game - "athiests should" 123
09-07-12 16:25
78 5.6K
Has the internet increased Atheism in society?
12-07-12 15:10
25 2.7K
Creation Museum requires donations to evolve 123
06-07-12 1:21
67 5.4K
Help me help a friend 12...56
26-06-12 22:57
156 11.7K
Atheist Ireland submission on draft State report to UN on Civil and Political Rights 123
12-05-12 1:47
78 7.7K
Comparison of Santa Claus with God 1234
10-07-12 19:49
100 6.2K
David Eagleman - possibilian
10-07-12 23:42
13 1.2K
Calling All Agnostics! 123
05-07-12 20:11
68 4.5K
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the gates? 123
29-06-12 2:29
65 3.7K
Ridiculous arguments for believing 12...45
04-07-12 15:43
142 10.6K
Religion and lower intellect? 123
31-03-07 20:05
75 4.2K
Bigotry- alive and well
08-07-12 12:54
6 672
Do you find atheism to be depressing but true? 12...45
01-07-12 18:34
143 6.2K
Actions speak louder than words. 12
06-07-12 9:49
46 3.5K
New Giants' Causeway Visitors' Centre acknowledges the creationist view
06-07-12 10:41
1 945
Finally... God discovered by Scientists! 12
04-07-12 18:32
34 2.9K
Popn oreo's up your arse.
05-07-12 20:04
13 1.4K
National Trust puts creationism on show at new visitor centre
05-07-12 15:26
0 31
Dara O'Brian - The Age Of Reason
03-07-12 16:19
20 2.2K
Is the Catholic Church a Cult?
02-07-12 16:03
4 640
Anyone here ever do a U-turn? 12
01-07-12 13:35
34 2.3K
Experiencing death as an atheist 12
20-06-12 13:15
44 3.8K
Atheist Blogger Decides to Become Catholic 12...1415
19-06-12 16:37
444 26.2K
Hand-over of Catholic schools to be revealed 12
20-06-12 9:10
40 4.5K
Heaven Clarifies Position on Abortion in New Apparition - Undeniable Evidence!!
01-07-12 15:19
2 553
Dublin Offlines conference: Speaking out against the Scientology cult
24-06-12 20:44
13 2.1K
Terry Pratchett
04-05-12 22:26
20 2.8K
PROOF Heaven is real
25-06-12 0:04
16 1.9K