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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Proper prison reform (I hope I don't sound like Hitler's henchman)
14-03-18 21:18
16 495
Liam Óg O'Flynn (1945-2018), Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
14-03-18 16:10
5 349
America's gun problem Do you think they will ever fix it? 12...2223
14-03-18 21:14
675 17.4K
White noise machine
12-03-18 19:07
18 862
Owning stuff is coming to an end? 12
14-03-18 13:48
45 2.7K
God damn single sided Luas tag points! (Dublin problems)
14-03-18 9:48
3 194
Several irish families know to each other scammers businesses in Australia
14-03-18 8:03
2 342
Americans' obsession with vets 12
13-03-18 1:06
40 2.5K
Treeless Merrion Square
12-03-18 22:07
10 784
Russia & UK/NATO Relations Getting Hot Over Attempted Murder at Salisbury
13-03-18 22:16
0 40.2K
An update on the tortured Californian Children
13-03-18 21:16
0 249
How much did your Leaving Cert points vary from your mock results?
13-03-18 18:04
9 410
Late Late Show repeat.. 12
13-03-18 3:59
44 1.9K
Is it time to build some high capacity Prisons in Ireland? 1234
05-03-18 20:16
112 4.8K
Hedge fund d1ck raises price of AIDS and Protozoan medication by 5000% 12...1718
21-09-15 22:14
522 31.7K
Rumours that may be true... 12...45
28-05-17 12:51
137 16.8K
Pope on a rope?
12-03-18 23:02
27 1.1K
Made-Up Words Your Family Uses 123
19-12-17 17:03
86 5.4K
Pre loved Items
13-03-18 1:40
4 309
Jaysizzzz Creeeest
12-03-18 14:13
23 1.2K
Anybody else finding music to be exceptionally good the past year or so?
12-03-18 19:52
10 625
What changed in your life since your very first post on Boards? 123
12-03-18 19:51
89 5K
Assimilation into Irish society
12-10-17 3:14
26 3.3K
What do you think of Rorys Stories? 12
23-09-17 18:03
48 6K
How would you feel if your partner turned out to be transgender? 12...1415
06-03-18 21:46
426 18.1K
Overtime hours donated to help widowed father. 12
11-03-18 10:14
50 3.4K
Our Eurovision Entry. 123
10-03-18 8:22
62 3K
Health sciences board posts- wtf 12
10-03-18 5:16
52 2.9K
What IS the future of Europe? 12...89
05-03-18 0:34
265 11.5K
Travellergeddon 12
10-03-18 2:28
42 2.6K