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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
if you could....
26-10-06 22:04
28 1.6K
27-10-06 15:30
7 1K
Gross things that people do in public 1234
22-10-06 18:56
94 7K
Do you make a good first impression? 12
17-10-06 22:41
49 2.3K
What's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? 123
24-10-06 13:50
68 4.2K
Make Someone Famous 1234
11-10-06 20:32
118 5.2K
How much would you spend on present? 12
24-10-06 1:52
33 1.6K
Jeebus, Macca the wife beater? 12
18-10-06 13:01
39 2.1K
That's what best friends do!
22-10-06 20:28
26 1.3K
The sting rays are revolting against us!! 12
19-10-06 11:55
41 2.1K
New Years Eve
26-10-06 17:21
25 1.3K
poker machines
26-10-06 17:11
0 342
The Christmas thread. 123
26-10-06 15:08
63 2.2K
Lying. But like, for a good reason... 12
19-10-06 1:03
45 2.2K
I know it's 2 months away, but.....
26-10-06 9:58
4 684
what to buy him
25-10-06 23:35
10 836
My parents 12
21-10-06 19:34
54 3.2K
If you were Invisible.... 12
24-10-06 16:54
54 2.6K
Elvis is Spinning In His Grave!
25-10-06 22:38
15 1K
What do you think of urgent personal messages for people holidaying in Ireland?
22-07-06 20:18
24 1.6K
I'm a scat man... 12
24-10-06 0:08
50 2.9K
Getting a birth cert
25-10-06 8:59
7 759
1st halloween in my life, seek advice!
23-10-06 11:59
15 1.2K
Google map of Thornton Hall, North County Dublin - aka Prison Land!
25-10-06 8:51
1 6.2K
which way do you sit.... 12
22-10-06 18:48
48 1.9K
What the hells with the giant bugs 12
09-10-06 22:27
55 2.9K
Longest Thread
24-10-06 19:17
2 639
The Church of, A Religion! 12
21-10-06 14:04
34 1.8K
On the busess.... 12
18-10-06 16:55
42 2.7K
Airport Ants!
24-10-06 14:56
2 540