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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Planning and development hours
05-06-16 9:42
4 253
Why did the TUI executive recommend acceptance of LRA2?
03-06-16 14:41
5 388
Will TUI now issue new circular on CP hours?
30-05-16 23:13
11 896
Planning, prep and department work - level of teacher autonomy or input
31-05-16 17:50
7 601
Chair for correcting
01-06-16 19:13
2 416
ASTI Vote on Croke park hours 12...56
28-04-16 9:54
256 18.3K
What's the story with the JCSA in mixed-membership schools?
02-06-16 11:41
3 295
Recognition of Dip from England
25-05-16 11:00
3 279
PME in Physical Education in UL
19-04-16 23:33
1 561
Job advertised as CID
01-06-16 12:37
4 529
Calling for a NO to TUI ballot 12...45
09-05-16 21:01
224 11.6K
Audit Elective 2016
29-05-16 15:18
2 379
Who to write a letter of application to.....?
29-05-16 19:16
1 265
Correcting exams-maths
25-05-16 21:06
21 1.3K
New Junior Cycle Science
11-02-16 18:39
11 1.5K
Hazard a guess at outcome of TUI LRA2 ballot!
27-05-16 16:58
12 692
September School Timetables
27-05-16 9:26
5 664
St. Pats vs. Marino
26-05-16 1:16
2 1.3K
Inspector Jobs
25-04-16 23:30
29 3.1K
Missing or Stopped Payslip -On Leave
25-05-16 8:35
1 250
Vote Martin Marjoram for President (**TUI**)
10-05-16 2:25
22 1.3K
Returning from Career break. Advice?
25-05-16 6:10
3 439
Any foreign langauge teachers - what should my child know at end of 1st year?
22-05-16 16:28
15 1.3K
"Consultation" on the future of Education
24-05-16 18:26
0 205
Three year leaving cert
21-05-16 19:04
18 1.5K
Class Tour in Dublin (TEFL)
24-05-16 8:36
0 74
2016/2017 Jobs
30-04-16 22:53
23 2.1K
New TUI Grassroots FB page launched - like/share now!
20-05-16 18:10
6 670
Collection for CEO?
17-05-16 8:24
15 1.2K
LC HL Maths book for 2016/17. What's your choice?
19-05-16 11:34
8 839