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I've done it again... 12
22-08-05 19:33
45 2.8K
Intrusive Parents 12
22-08-05 18:39
31 1.5K
Pill advice
22-08-05 13:48
3 483
Ankle treatment
22-08-05 8:59
4 544
eye squint correction
22-08-05 1:27
10 1.7K
think i like best friend
21-08-05 23:37
28 1.6K
Mid Life Crisses 12
21-08-05 22:14
53 2K
Social awkwardness, low self-confidence
21-08-05 22:12
3 575
21-08-05 14:18
6 542
Age Old Questions
20-08-05 20:27
2 480
Long Distance Internet Relationship stuff
20-08-05 14:19
25 1.3K
Testicle implants?
19-08-05 22:13
30 3K
I'm a ****ing idiot
19-08-05 15:27
11 907
My Teeth
19-08-05 14:13
5 659
Progesterone pill
19-08-05 12:50
12 7.3K
19-08-05 10:42
24 1.2K
Cancer Dilema
18-08-05 19:48
8 799
Academic Woes
18-08-05 19:27
8 786
Crohn's Disease 12
18-08-05 13:28
43 2.7K
What time does the G.U.I.D.E clinic open??
18-08-05 7:41
1 1.9K
Relocating to the country
17-08-05 23:56
17 1.2K
Age Difference
17-08-05 22:16
8 656
Losing your virginity??? 12
17-08-05 16:39
43 2.6K
17-08-05 12:06
5 632
I am scared and tormented
17-08-05 12:04
7 805
Are there some people you just can't be friends with?
17-08-05 1:51
13 1.1K
17-08-05 0:44
1 485
drunken question
16-08-05 18:59
26 1.4K
how soon is too soon?
16-08-05 17:06
10 817
Dublin county sheriff repossessing my stuff 12
16-08-05 16:50
34 22.9K