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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers and Job Discussion

Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

Leaving Cert Study Logs

Track your studying, or procrastinating, until exam time.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Learning Spanish in Spain
28-09-16 22:16
0 107
Brother facing school suspension
19-09-16 20:33
18 1.9K
LCVP work experience in leinster house
24-09-16 16:55
1 220
Going back to do the Leaving Cert
17-09-16 13:12
8 522
Foundation maths and college?
22-09-16 20:16
1 418
Leaving cert religion
24-09-16 18:11
0 176
Leaving cert from abroad
24-09-16 16:50
1 194
Study Plan for 5th year help needed
22-09-16 21:00
0 282
Ag Science
22-09-16 11:41
1 298
German Oral Practice
21-09-16 17:21
0 122
Business LC - legislation changes?
14-09-16 18:38
1 496
New points system 2017
18-09-16 17:17
3 803
18-09-16 13:12
0 252
Higher or Ordinary Maths?
16-09-16 21:29
2 436
Hard physics question!!!
17-09-16 16:23
5 301
Repeating: Geography Project Re-do?
13-09-16 16:48
2 366
Engineering Degree 2017 - DISCUSSION
12-09-16 16:49
2 840
LC subjects 6 vs 7?
06-09-16 15:04
8 765
Need online homeschooling advice!
12-09-16 16:35
6 602
Kavos Leaving Cert holiday
11-09-16 11:32
1 362
Changing course in first year
10-09-16 20:30
1 308
Doing subjects outside of school
10-09-16 17:28
2 432
Switching from accounting to history?
08-09-16 21:47
3 249
**HPAT and Medicine 2016** 12...1516
10-09-16 13:13
790 160.1K
Physics or Biology
08-09-16 21:13
6 480
Leaving Cert and a job, am I crazy?
29-08-16 20:41
3 522
07-09-16 17:19
4 416
Leaving Cert Advice For Sixth Years
06-09-16 9:43
3 550
Chemistry for the leaving
02-09-16 20:31
2 356
05-09-16 13:40
13 1.2K