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Headphones & Portable Audio Devices

Discussion on all aspects of headphones and portable audio devices.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Zen and the art of connection
30-08-07 14:32
1 399
Sony Nw-a805
26-08-07 22:53
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Alternate ipod software: itunes or winamp?
25-08-07 17:56
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AV Recorder... Help.
30-08-07 13:24
0 384
Help with iPod
28-08-07 11:38
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How long for repair?
29-08-07 14:07
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Cowon D2, now what cool stuff can i do!
28-08-07 9:14
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Where is the cheapest place to get the vmoda bass earphones?
27-08-07 19:38
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ITunes Ireland and Movies
28-02-07 19:48
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mp3 player advice
26-08-07 12:12
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Anyone know what I can do?
25-08-07 14:32
5 603
Downloaded podcasts manually, now how to get them back into itunes?
24-08-07 12:33
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Alright, so what smaller capacity Mp3 player...
24-08-07 21:18
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Mains charger for Creative Zen Vision M
19-08-07 19:02
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Convert flv files to play on Zen Vision M
17-08-07 9:32
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ipod troubles
21-08-07 23:23
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[REQ] Decent FM Transmitter {merged}
01-08-07 13:23
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iPod sending via BT to amp though BT headphones!
20-08-07 20:47
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Philips SA9345 help
16-08-07 23:52
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2 Ipod's + 1 pc
18-08-07 13:07
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Best iPod Dock with Remote
17-08-07 17:13
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Can anyone recommend a good starter MP3 player?
03-08-07 9:45
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Archos Gen5 released
20-06-07 12:52
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itrip compatible holders?
13-08-07 21:46
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Sound problem with 320gb Media Player
15-08-07 8:46
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[Creative] Zen Vision:M 30G - recovery mode
08-08-07 20:10
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Creative Vision M compatibilityproblem
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[Creative] Accessories In Dublin?
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Thomson Scenium X3030
09-08-07 20:51
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iPod confusion (new PC, old iPod)
08-08-07 21:15
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