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Headphones & Portable Audio Devices

Discussion on all aspects of headphones and portable audio devices.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Creative vision m repair in Dublin?
01-09-07 12:16
8 1.3K
Apple Event on Wednesday, most likely new iPods. 123
12-09-07 20:55
70 3.2K
12-09-07 9:39
2 486
Slim 60gb Creative Zen Vision
11-09-07 19:07
1 678
Replacement screen casing for Creative Zen M?
12-09-07 9:55
0 419
podcasts/videocasts gone missing
11-09-07 13:53
1 378
IPOD driving me up the wall!
07-09-07 14:31
9 619
easy to use flash player
25-08-07 13:38
3 443
Looking for 8GB MP3 player
23-08-07 11:59
8 846
2 Creative Zen Vision:M's and one pc
07-09-07 14:02
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Broken Creative Zen
03-09-07 20:28
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Archos Itunes Sync
03-09-07 23:20
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Using Creative On Apple
07-09-07 22:02
0 408
In car usb music player
06-09-07 14:15
1 442
New Ipods
06-09-07 20:20
1 496
Creative or apple 12
19-08-07 11:03
44 2.3K
Sony NW-A3000 tracks alphabetically, why??
05-09-07 20:39
0 427
Ipod Battery Wasn't Fully Charged
03-09-07 18:28
5 750
itunes gift certs
05-09-07 14:33
0 557
Creative zen stone/ stone +
04-09-07 13:33
4 1K
Microphoto Problem
02-09-07 19:55
3 453
Creative Zen > PC music transfer
08-08-07 0:22
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Shure announces $99 SE110 earphones
31-08-07 13:59
3 457
Need a bigger screen for vision:M
01-09-07 2:04
0 458
MP3 Player/Voice Recorder combo
27-08-07 14:26
2 510
how much would repairing cost?
17-08-07 21:36
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Sony NW-A808 problem.
28-07-07 19:43
5 679
Charging Ipod Nano using Usb Powered Hub
18-08-07 15:12
1 469
[Creative] Where in Dublin can I buy Zen Vision:M 60GB 12
13-08-07 11:30
32 2K
Zen and the art of connection
30-08-07 14:32
1 399