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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Applying Microcement on Hemihydrate screed
07-08-23 22:17
5 153
Plywood upstairs floor extremely, extremely noisy
06-08-23 20:42
9 580
Buying vacant flat roofed property in Cork County built pre 1975
06-08-23 19:55
2 135
Retrofit Insulation and vents - what to look out for 12
06-08-23 18:16
47 2.1K
Roof membrane and ventilation
06-08-23 8:44
0 91
Wall vs ceiling vent
05-08-23 23:41
0 66
Considering an ICF build
05-08-23 13:25
7 1K
Registration office
05-08-23 9:53
0 42
Planning permission
04-08-23 12:43
3 224
03-08-23 14:29
4 382
02-08-23 15:24
2 97
KERS 25 Evo Heat Recovery Ventilation - Installation problem
01-08-23 12:46
4 461
Neighbours wall falling down and he just covered it with a fence 123
01-08-23 9:02
63 3.8K
Commencement notice required or not?
31-07-23 21:59
14 716
Are there any counties with more relaxed planning regulations?
31-07-23 20:54
16 642
DCV 12
31-07-23 16:11
35 5.6K
Floor Vapour Barrier damage
30-07-23 7:06
5 227
Tiles from website
29-07-23 14:47
0 32
28-07-23 10:05
2 181
3bed new build
28-07-23 9:34
4 333
Windows from Fenbro
27-07-23 23:05
2 472
One Stop Shop versus BEC (Better Energy Community Programme)
27-07-23 8:31
8 462
Experiences of decentralised mechanical ventilation in draughty homes
25-07-23 21:47
5 284
BER rating for my house
25-07-23 15:24
5 207
Converting garage to living space
25-07-23 13:27
19 6.8K
New roof for a low pitched roof.
24-07-23 19:49
0 54
Soffit eave vents
23-07-23 20:19
4 142
Septic tank eating electricity
23-07-23 2:44
27 3.5K
DPC detail over RSJs / I-beams
20-07-23 16:09
2 180
E-Planning now (finally) live.
20-07-23 14:09
5 281