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E-Planning now (finally) live.

  • 12-07-2023 12:46pm
    Posts: 0

    I can't see this mentioned on here, so apologies if it already has.

    There has been a monumental change in the planning system for Ireland, in that many local authorities have FINALLY moved to online. This means paper submissions for planning applications will no longer be a requirement for the LA's currently signed up (23 of 31 so far).

    You can access here -

    While still its in infancy, the system is not perfect (much like a lot of government systems) but it's a positive start. As someone who has been waiting for years to see this happen, I will take anything for now that eliminates the paper submissions.

    Dublin LA's have yet to join the central system and I am seriously hoping this is temporary, while they use other counties submissions as a testing portal. Section 5's have also not been added an option yet and have to be submitted manually.

