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Atheism & Agnosticism

Oh, we of little faith
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
No difference between Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists. 123
11-10-14 9:13
79 5.8K
Christina Gallagher & The House of Prayer 12
23-01-08 15:56
38 14.7K
Atheist literature - recommend me a book
22-10-14 10:13
7 598
The “Innocence of Muslims” And The Hypocrisy of Non-Muslims 1234
29-09-12 13:57
107 8.6K
Atheist Ireland AGM and review of year's work
19-10-14 21:27
12 977
Fear of Religions...when our children are concerned 1234
04-09-14 1:34
100 6.9K
God still gives financial breakthroughs today ..apparently
05-10-14 22:51
5 616
Atheism in popular culture: The Good Wife 12
17-09-14 14:37
49 4.1K
Church Closures 12...1112
25-09-14 14:44
337 11.6K
would aliens believe in God? 1234
21-09-14 19:46
91 4.6K
Daughter forced to believe in God 12...3738
04-09-14 15:41
1.1K 66.6K
Primary School and Religious Education 123
10-09-14 18:03
66 4.4K
26-09-14 23:10
2 339
The rise of the "statheists" 123
30-06-14 14:21
70 5.4K
Irish Times Waffle Alert 12...45
17-07-12 14:39
139 8K
Religious Boyfriend 12...67
18-09-14 13:12
184 12.6K
Dawkins controversial again. 12...910
21-08-14 13:26
290 17.2K
Feel very depressed when I see what religion causes 12
08-09-14 19:06
34 2.1K
Talked to the school about my daughters 1st communion this year..and it went well 1234
04-09-14 13:17
97 8.7K
How do religions explain all the zillions of planets? 12
12-09-14 12:56
42 3.1K
The Last You See
17-09-14 16:27
0 279
Schools called to accommodate Isalamic beliefs 12...56
03-09-14 11:07
162 11.7K
Membership of AI enough to get baptismal record annotated.
23-07-14 21:13
19 3.1K
Is it true that faith schools take a significant amount of church funding? 12
04-09-14 20:11
55 2.7K
I broke David Quinn
09-09-14 16:45
22 2K
Marrying a Christian 12
31-08-14 23:29
39 2.8K
Good question, terrible answer. What do you think?
21-08-14 18:43
9 1K
Scientific possibility of an afterlife? ...of somesort 12...910
08-06-14 4:12
276 11.7K
Do you visit gravestones? 12
16-07-14 17:55
34 3.6K
Crucifix conflict splits Kerry county council 123
16-04-14 10:54
82 6.4K