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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Challenge 174 - Long Exposure
01-02-16 17:53
19 1.8K
60 Minutes Profile on Photographer Danny Clinch
15-02-16 11:43
0 435
Challenge 173 - Candid Portraits
16-01-16 14:44
12 1.3K
Photo print
03-01-16 13:03
8 1.3K
Which one?
11-02-16 15:09
3 755
POTW 293: 26/12/15 - 1/1/16
30-01-16 15:43
7 1K
Nikon SB900 flash and such like.
11-02-16 17:53
2 247
Dublin Camera Club
02-02-16 21:10
5 779
Boards - displaying photos
02-02-16 18:10
4 673
POTW 294: 2/1/16 - 8/1/16
06-02-16 15:14
2 578
POTW 292: 19/12/15 - 25/12/15
23-01-16 17:16
2 758
Pentax ME
07-02-16 20:40
0 340
ProFoto 2016
07-02-16 18:32
0 627
Tralee Camera Club???
28-03-14 12:35
6 3.5K
Pictures of the Week: 2015
12-12-15 23:10
12 2.1K
Mixing flash with Ambient Light in Bright Situations
28-01-16 0:43
7 816
Flickr deleting pics
01-02-16 20:11
6 797
Issue uploading to flickr
03-02-16 12:17
0 332
Photo size help please!
02-02-16 22:39
1 449
Irish Examiner Readers' Photography Competition
30-01-16 21:53
0 603
What is the Bible on Posing?
11-01-16 23:02
12 1.4K
New Laptop
26-12-15 12:11
20 2.3K
Help identifying an Artist
25-01-16 11:11
0 37
Dublin Camera Club beginners course
01-01-16 19:03
14 1.4K
One of us
22-01-16 23:07
1 658
POTW 291: 12/12/15 - 18/12/15
17-01-16 15:55
2 487
Organising online photo collection
20-01-16 13:46
2 363
Insuring your gear for a holiday?
16-01-16 14:57
6 597
Challenge 172 - Fresh Start/New Beginings
28-12-15 15:50
10 1.6K
So confused about the "rules"
17-01-16 17:26
0 468