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Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Body odour 12
06-08-17 15:59
36 2.8K
Who are Boards top posters 12...45
03-08-17 10:21
142 10.8K
Why do the years go by faster as we get older?
06-08-17 15:30
28 1.5K
Facebook bots develop their own non-human language.
06-08-17 16:18
8 646
Do you worry about your teens/young adults getting pregnant? 12
06-08-17 10:11
33 2K
Old health and safety adverts.
03-08-17 11:17
25 1.4K
falling out over money
06-08-17 14:11
23 1.4K
Handling your Daughter's idiot boyfriend correctly 12...45
04-08-17 0:29
150 19.2K
lazyiest thing you seen someone do 123
02-08-17 20:15
75 10.6K
Most immature adult (30+) that you know? 123
04-08-17 11:55
76 7.7K
Tina Satchwell missing in Cork (or Ireland) 12...3435
05-08-17 21:34
1K 192.4K
Gardaí use golf buggy to track two Afghani asylum seekers who escaped onto cour
05-08-17 12:03
7 631
Refugee Quota Poll 12
05-08-17 13:09
53 1.7K
Ray Darcy on 400,000 a year 12...89
01-08-17 20:49
268 16.7K
Going to newcastle 12
03-08-17 22:45
34 1.7K
What are some unwritten rules that should become actual rules? 123
05-08-17 2:10
72 4.5K
The Mills and Boon-esque thread 12
26-07-17 22:50
40 2.8K
Girl who convinced friend to committ suicide found guilty of involuntary manslaughter 123
16-06-17 17:08
82 7.1K
Kiltyclogher 12
03-08-17 23:41
33 2K
Biker murder. 1234
31-07-17 18:05
106 9.9K
Ridesharing in Ireland 12
14-05-16 2:21
45 2.7K
Dubai tower engulfed in flames
03-08-17 23:54
14 1.1K
A good cheep beer ? 1234
04-08-17 0:20
104 6.8K
Would you nap at work? 12
26-07-17 11:43
58 3.3K
Talking to a Criminal 12
02-08-17 17:44
35 2.6K
Yellow drum of Calor Gas appreciation thread 12
22-12-16 14:38
50 2.1K
Corrib gas field sold 12
12-07-17 10:39
57 3.3K
"I chopped off my finger because I think it looks cute"
30-07-17 23:45
27 2.9K
The Onion
03-08-17 15:59
1 233
Pingping PINGALING ping pom ping pom pimpom
03-08-17 14:32
18 536