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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Quantity or quality?
14-11-17 14:05
14 598
People with penetrating laughs
14-11-17 13:43
28 1.1K
What supporters have the best ensemble
14-11-17 17:08
10 507
What flavour is Irn-Bru? 12
17-06-06 17:59
34 2.2K
And yet another school shooting (California)
14-11-17 20:58
7 624
Kitchen Knives disposal?
14-11-17 20:18
21 739
Jealous girlfriend, unfaithful guy struggling with high house prices
14-11-17 20:35
3 555
George Takei next for the sexual assault chopping block.. 12
11-11-17 13:08
59 6.7K
English Bob 12
13-11-17 19:45
32 1.6K
Is your career on track? 12
13-11-17 17:08
59 3.2K
What days do you get off work during Christmas? 1234
14-11-17 17:13
91 5K
Who wants a game of Quake? DM4??? 123
12-11-17 23:12
76 3.8K
What Is Your Favourite Dessert? 123
11-11-17 17:48
71 2.6K
How has life turned out for the "popular" people from school? 12...56
12-11-17 19:16
154 15K
Another dead horse in Kilkenny. 12
11-11-17 21:17
48 3.4K
Rail strikes...again 12...1011
13-11-17 18:25
311 12.8K
Christmas decorations on November 9 123
10-11-17 0:01
67 3.2K
How do you get to work? 123
13-11-17 11:09
74 3K
Grieving family claim friend of dead brother is using suicide note.... 12
11-11-17 21:35
49 5.2K
Anywhere that can fix a non charging bluetooth speaker
13-11-17 15:17
1 95
wake etiquette 123
10-11-17 14:32
65 4.8K
Did Avobabo just die lol 123
04-11-17 8:17
62 4.9K
Should I have a glass of wine?
13-11-17 2:22
16 994
Car owners & learner drivers 12...78
13-11-17 12:19
211 9.5K
Washing new clothes before wearing them 1234
13-11-17 10:56
117 6.9K
Women Drivers!
13-11-17 3:20
10 922
longer weekend - vote
11-11-17 21:42
21 1.2K
Is the term "Non National" Racist ? 1234
07-11-17 17:15
93 3.8K
Missed birth/death 12
07-11-17 22:02
40 3.5K
Prettiest village in the country? 12...56
23-07-17 20:00
158 17.1K