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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Is they ever going to end?
15-11-17 19:47
24 1.7K
What’s the best type of holiday? 12
13-11-17 18:26
57 3.2K
Favourite dish 12
15-11-17 15:49
55 2.4K
Irelands Nicest Towns
16-11-17 19:02
10 482
bleakest town in Ireland 12
16-11-17 16:18
42 2K
Insurance claim falls flat. 12
14-11-17 17:51
35 2.9K
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 123
15-11-17 19:58
89 2.8K
Gate theatre employees speak out about director Michael Colgan's behaviour 12...67
04-11-17 18:57
183 16K
We’ve had abortions!/We haven't had abortions! 12...1112
10-11-17 23:20
360 25.2K
What county has the tallest average height in Ireland?
15-11-17 23:27
18 1.2K
Riding on a week day night
16-11-17 0:35
7 723
15-11-17 1:11
6 625
Travelers offering driveway cleaning 12...45
16-11-17 0:42
132 25.4K
Australia say Yes to Marriage Equality 61.6% Yes- 79% response! 123
15-11-17 0:25
75 3.4K
Best sketch show ever? 123
14-11-17 20:14
78 3.8K
Best Buy
15-11-17 20:48
15 495
I've just turned off the radio in absolute anger 12...1415
13-11-17 18:35
445 25K
Cheapest car insurance?
15-11-17 21:13
0 0
Another school shooting in America. Surely now is the time for gun control? 12
15-11-17 10:14
32 1.4K
Block of flats evacuated after fire in Belfast
15-11-17 19:53
0 111
where does vermin die after eating poison
14-11-17 8:27
22 1.4K
Paradise papers 12...1213
06-11-17 1:01
379 14.4K
Does it bother you if your child doesn't get a speaking role in school play? 123
14-11-17 14:18
88 4.7K
Che Guevara features on new €1 stamp issued by An Post 12...1314
07-10-17 11:01
395 17.9K
Robert Mugabe under house arrest
15-11-17 15:01
2 161
How many have gone on holidays alone? 12
12-11-17 22:37
32 1.7K
Therapeutic Benifits. Arguing on 12
14-11-17 10:09
44 1.3K
Is Housing a pyramid scheme?
15-11-17 12:31
3 255
Recommend a pen as a graduation present 12
14-11-17 1:39
48 2.2K
Whiskey - how do you drink it? 123
14-12-16 2:47
78 3.2K