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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
17-06-20 17:15
1 1K
lockdown or not ?
17-06-20 14:53
3 315
Why do so many people become dry so young? 1234
12-06-20 20:44
114 9.6K
Killer Mike for President
16-06-20 23:03
7 711
Traffic lights changing fast
17-06-20 8:59
5 333
Exercise app
16-06-20 23:06
0 0
Life is too short 123
15-06-20 19:04
81 6.8K
How do travellers tolerate living in such cramped conditions?
16-06-20 20:34
2 553
100 year old tortoise retires - 800 sprogs later
16-06-20 10:00
2 250
second-fifth worst years 12
14-06-20 20:02
58 3.6K
Right Wing Politics and Football Hooliganism 12
14-06-20 14:19
45 2K
Random Stuff you'd like to Ban 12...56
16-06-20 9:55
165 8.7K
Your success is mostly predetermined 123
15-06-20 17:07
83 3.1K
Are you left brained or right brain dominant? 12
14-06-20 23:33
43 2.1K
Which Politician would you most like to go on the beer with? 123
16-06-20 9:08
69 4.2K
Canada or Australia? 1234
10-06-20 18:20
111 8.3K
Now this is morbid
27-05-20 12:05
18 2.6K
successful people 12...45
12-06-20 16:31
134 10.9K
Dog culture - simpletons gone crazy!
14-06-20 16:35
12 974
At what point do you say "enough is enough?"
14-06-20 16:10
0 315
Judge or misjudge somebody
14-06-20 15:16
5 302
Everyone roasts girls for not having any hobbies, what are some of YOUR hobbies (SRS) 123
24-04-20 18:05
84 5.3K
Did you have a job as a teenager? 1234
12-06-20 9:56
96 5.1K
14-06-20 12:05
3 194
Ireland is a pacified society 123
10-06-20 17:38
66 4.1K
Broken hand during the Lockdown
13-06-20 18:30
17 1.2K
Favorite Crisps 12...78
19-05-20 19:18
216 13.8K
Query:Anyone involved in Marketing?
12-06-20 23:11
3 319
Legality of procreation/marriage with genetic relatives?
13-06-20 18:13
2 244
Why do travellers get away with stuff normal people wouldn't?
13-06-20 17:05
30 2.4K