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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Opinions on property prices
11-02-14 20:28
15 2.7K
Buying in estate where management company is dissolved
11-02-14 0:06
9 2.9K
Bord Gáis pay-as-you-go
25-09-13 18:35
2 836
Looking to rent (house sharing) best places to look?
08-02-14 22:21
22 2K
NAMA Property - Offer??
09-02-14 21:48
7 1.1K
Distorted property market?
07-02-14 10:50
15 2.9K
Estate agent contract!
11-02-14 14:21
12 988
Looking for housemates to rent in Crumlin/Drimnagh
12-02-14 13:43
0 216
Ex-tenant Issue
11-02-14 14:48
24 3.2K
PRTB Records
11-02-14 15:35
4 851
Advice: Rent or buy? 12
09-02-14 20:27
33 3.4K
Bidding query
11-02-14 14:29
7 775
Open viewing: renting in Dublin... help!!
11-02-14 15:18
29 8.9K
Anyone else depressed with house hunting? 12...1112
11-02-14 15:03
333 40K
Mortgage Interest Relief went down??
04-01-14 22:57
9 1.7K
Renting requirement
10-02-14 20:49
4 532
Good Cleaning Products
10-02-14 15:06
17 3.3K
Limerick council house waiting times 12
09-02-14 1:51
34 3.9K
Quick one
10-02-14 20:55
1 396
Booking Deposits
04-02-14 12:46
11 1.2K
Daft report: Dublin rents now back to Celtic Tiger levels
10-02-14 16:33
6 1K
Mortgage Application: Investor or FTB
10-02-14 13:18
8 930
Cost for house valuation
10-02-14 12:22
3 775
Rent allowance cap question
06-02-14 14:05
8 781
2014 - Return of the Cranes to Dublin?
10-02-14 10:38
0 496
Advice on gift
08-02-14 13:56
13 2.4K
Buying a site
10-02-14 0:34
0 539
Living in Santry
07-02-14 19:40
2 988
Advice on Dundalk area
27-01-14 10:32
1 435
Where in Dublin to buy?
17-01-14 22:26
22 4.3K