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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Leaving job in 2 months - they're looking for letter of resignation now? 12
23-10-17 23:13
51 5.9K
A good problem, but still a problem!
04-09-17 16:19
5 2.3K
employment contract
26-10-17 11:23
6 1.2K
Voluntary Reduction of Hours
01-11-17 19:32
4 554
new work while on sick
01-11-17 19:41
36 4K
Probation period
31-10-17 15:14
3 572
Not allowed to take breaks.
15-10-17 23:06
29 5.9K
Stress leave question
24-10-17 20:51
2 1.4K
07-10-16 21:32
6 1.7K
Hurricane day?
18-10-17 9:34
16 2.7K
Manager and discretion
19-10-17 13:19
8 1.8K
Is it time to quit?
21-10-17 23:28
15 3.4K
Passive aggressive female colleague, supported by my (unfair) boss
18-10-17 11:17
12 2.9K
Fixed Term Contact Expired - still working
25-10-17 7:29
0 412
Uncertified to work
24-10-17 13:28
10 1.9K
Got Made Redundant After 6 months
19-10-17 21:52
6 1.6K
Feeling like my job is going no where
18-10-17 10:25
3 1.1K
Moving about in a company?
20-10-17 7:44
9 1.1K
Pay rise advice
21-10-17 1:26
0 541
Anxiety affecting work
17-10-17 21:27
2 889
No opportunity to negotiate raise
10-10-17 21:37
22 2.2K
Employer pay overtime and travel
18-10-17 17:04
2 774
annual leave remaining before leaving company
17-10-17 14:58
4 754
Do i have an Employment Contract
14-10-17 22:41
1 508
Work place relations commission
11-10-17 17:58
5 1.1K
Only one week left but stress has me functionally useless
16-10-17 9:27
12 1.6K
Stress test email refusal?
15-10-17 16:48
7 1.4K
Wages not being paid
14-10-17 11:12
1 896
Do I need to disclose the exact illness for sick leave?
09-08-17 9:59
22 5.3K
I want a career change, but I can't leave.
23-09-17 20:53
35 4.4K