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Disappointed with this forum!
24-03-10 1:16
1 568
Deaths Transept - Not Purgatory but it is similar!
17-02-09 13:30
19 2.8K
S06E13 - Moving the Chains *Spoilers Within* [US Speed]
02-02-10 22:46
5 1.2K
Predict which shows will be axed ? 12
10-02-10 22:43
36 2.6K
Scrubs - Season 9 (US) [**Spoilers**] 1234
13-11-09 19:42
93 9.7K
When Bad Pets Go Bad - TV3 Friday Night
24-03-10 13:09
0 426
[US] 24, Day 8, Hour 12 [3 a.m. - 4 a.m.] [** SPOILERS WITHIN **] 12
16-03-10 9:33
32 3.1K
[US/IRL] 6x08 - "Recon" [** SPOILERS WITHIN **] 12...56
17-03-10 0:57
179 14.4K
Beware : Thieves on the Streets
23-03-10 22:01
0 558
Raw (Season 2) on Sunday at RTÉ1 at 9.30pm 1234
07-01-10 10:57
100 15K
Wildlife on RTE One
23-03-10 16:16
2 415
Waiting for new Glee episodes is like.......
23-03-10 16:02
0 534
WTF has Desmond gone ?
13-03-10 16:04
17 2.2K
Futurama's back, new teaser trailer.
19-03-10 15:58
4 873
Best New Shows for 2010
12-01-10 16:43
19 1.8K
Is Mary Kennedy the most pleasant woman in Ireland?
23-03-10 12:07
3 554
Is your fav tv show "on the bubble"?
21-03-10 14:18
11 900
Late Late Show 19th March 12...1011
19-03-10 10:32
308 23.5K
23-03-10 1:38
0 298
RTE want your opinion/suggestions
23-03-10 0:00
0 474
impact tv3
22-03-10 22:34
2 499
Where Can I Watch The Mighty Boosh
21-03-10 18:44
2 2.4K
The Saturday Night Show - March 20th 2010 1234
20-03-10 21:37
110 10.1K
[US] 24, Day 8, Hour 11 [2 a.m. - 3 a.m.] [** SPOILERS WITHIN **]
09-03-10 9:31
15 2K
Boyzone TV Tribute to stephen gatley
21-03-10 21:43
17 2K
No Frontiers - So Gone Downhill!
14-03-10 20:58
30 4.7K
[US/IRL] 6x05 - "Lighthouse" [** SPOILERS WITHIN **] 12...89
24-02-10 2:15
248 20.8K
CSI Season 10
22-03-10 13:03
0 296
Fox goes mad! - full week of musical themed shows in May 12
20-03-10 20:03
31 2K
George Hamilton - Expenses
21-03-10 13:22
13 1.6K