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Nature & Bird Watching

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
26-05-09 8:35
8 900
Flying beetles ??????
24-05-10 16:03
8 1.1K
Swifts building in our shed
25-05-10 0:26
4 646
Birds Nesting on Side of House
23-05-10 21:36
15 4.1K
Thrush builds nest in underground carpark
23-05-10 22:08
7 763
Derilict Spider WEBS
24-05-10 11:32
1 564
BioBlitz 2010 21-22nd May
15-03-10 15:55
13 1.9K
Great Tit emptying my feeder!
23-05-10 16:18
3 842
Aggressive bee chased me?
21-05-10 10:43
11 1.4K
Anyone ever had anything swiped by a magpie or crow?
07-01-09 16:42
12 1.5K
unhatched eggs
21-05-10 15:38
1 481
Sparrowhawk behaviour.
19-05-10 11:53
9 1.1K
First Clutch Success
19-05-10 12:57
5 612
Irish Times Wild Ireland Supplement 21/5
21-05-10 11:35
0 521
Newts in Dublin??
20-05-10 14:41
0 571
Live web-cams
20-05-10 8:41
0 510
camera to observe a nest at home
16-05-10 11:38
2 719
Mink protected or vermin
17-05-10 20:08
30 6K
The badger; Our most fearsome creature?
16-05-10 23:38
7 893
Robin cam; hatching expected to start Sunday April 25th 123
24-04-10 12:59
72 7.4K
What was I looking at?
17-05-10 12:16
11 874
What is this bird?
16-05-10 16:02
5 856
Irish bird books
20-04-10 10:42
3 1.1K
Wild Wood
14-05-10 10:54
6 1.8K
Tadpoles in a Puddle
11-05-10 21:51
11 1.3K
Good books on ravens
11-05-10 21:22
12 1.2K
Farming & Forestry Forum bans Eagle postings!
15-05-10 21:52
10 1.1K
deer cull in phoenix park
12-05-10 8:46
19 4K
Eagle Poisoning Conv next up on Newstalk
14-05-10 14:05
0 194
Raptor reintorduction discussion right now on rte
14-05-10 14:05
0 640