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Nature & Bird Watching

Get out and see what nature has to offer.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Cat deterrent
13-05-10 16:12
3 1.2K
Birdcall at dawn..
11-05-10 12:45
3 649
So you think you've been lost?
11-05-10 13:29
0 661
Overgrown lake / pond
05-05-10 16:28
4 752
T shaped insect
08-05-10 16:06
3 4.1K
Duck ID
07-05-10 19:54
2 532
Injured Jay Q
07-05-10 12:16
4 476
06-05-10 11:29
13 1.4K
Identify This Tree Please
28-04-10 10:43
17 2K
Can Pro Nature Groups be trusted?
06-05-10 10:38
11 894
bee keeping
27-04-10 21:26
4 741
Robin catching bees
22-04-10 22:21
9 1.3K
We have House Martins!
03-05-10 18:11
3 707
Natural History Museum reopening
28-04-10 10:02
7 1.5K
The cuckoo is here
16-04-10 13:20
17 1.7K
Help identifying a bird
30-04-10 10:07
6 1.2K
Found IHU Pigeon
30-04-10 9:12
4 2.8K
29-04-10 22:59
2 659
Odd Thing Part 2
24-04-10 13:02
25 2.2K
29-04-10 17:40
2 489
Nature on the Radio
29-04-10 11:22
2 566
Remove nest or not.
26-04-10 20:06
5 1.2K
Nocturnal animal or bird ?
27-04-10 23:01
3 684
Can you identify this bird ,please
27-04-10 22:44
14 1K
male hen harrier
25-04-10 21:06
11 1.4K
Booterstown Marsh - A National eyesore!
27-04-10 0:01
4 1.5K
Blue tit not too yellow
25-04-10 11:40
3 660
male hen harrier
25-04-10 21:58
0 364
First Frog Spawn 12
10-02-10 17:19
35 5.8K
Help me name these 2 birds (pics)
23-04-10 18:47
2 783