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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

LGBT issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
opinions on grindr
19-12-13 2:40
20 7.5K
possible move to Galway
02-02-14 21:31
18 2.7K
BUTCH PAUGH - Christian Fundi who is Anti gay marriage coming to ireland?
21-02-14 1:58
12 1.4K
Dr Mark Regnerus - Sexual Behaviour Patterns
22-02-14 13:28
4 1.2K
Oxford Union debate on Gay adoption
25-02-14 9:54
11 1.1K
Why do gay people marry a straight person 123
21-02-14 13:39
87 7K
Best site to meet guys?
19-02-14 7:17
3 1.2K
Neil Francis 123
17-02-14 8:58
78 6K
Am I really in love with my best friend who is a girl as well?
21-02-14 0:05
3 1.2K
It's all genetic?
20-02-14 17:10
2 544
The George/Dragon
19-02-14 2:37
2 999
Scene in Albufeira Portugal
02-04-13 21:48
17 14K
Irish LGBTQ couples getting married in the UK?
17-02-14 13:45
8 687
Kansas House passes bill allowing refusal of service to same-sex couples
13-02-14 22:47
23 2.2K
Archbishop of Dublin: ‘Homophobia is an insult to God’
12-02-14 10:09
12 2.1K
Conor Cusack opens up about his sexuality 12
27-01-14 23:49
34 5.5K
Protest in solidarity with Rory O'Neill/ Panti 12...45
28-01-14 22:30
123 10.9K
"Hunted" - Tonight @ 10pm on Channel 4
05-02-14 16:08
19 2.6K
Current news coverage on homosexuality
12-02-14 23:18
2 620
Meeting Partner's Friends
07-02-14 0:19
12 1.6K
low libido
08-02-14 16:53
4 1.3K
Tell your story....
07-02-14 3:53
1 821
Advice on first time meeting a man
04-02-14 18:49
9 1.8K
Scotland becomes 17th country to legalise same sex marriage
05-02-14 2:03
2 448
Channel 4 Supports The Gays
06-02-14 22:25
2 563
Equal adoption by the end of 2014
25-01-14 0:35
22 1.9K
07-02-14 6:43
3 970
03-02-14 12:16
59 3.4K
Open Heart House is to wind down and cease its operations.
04-02-14 18:57
2 952
Advice on being safe first time
01-02-14 11:25
11 1.3K