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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

LGBT issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Scared I've been exposed to HIV?
28-03-14 19:24
4 1.6K
Gay Bars in Kerry?
13-03-14 13:26
3 4.4K
25-03-14 18:29
1 621
Gay clubs Cork
25-03-14 0:05
3 834
Fred Phelps has croaked it
20-03-14 17:27
5 850
50 Shades of Gay
22-03-14 15:05
2 589
Re ;This Thread
22-03-14 12:06
0 150
Gay Pub Dublin
19-03-14 22:30
9 1.3K
US School suspends teacher over facebook comments
20-03-14 19:18
2 707
Does anyone else think the LGBTQ+ community is too focused on gay men ? 12
12-02-14 12:38
48 6K
Can gays be cured -C4 documentary at 10pm tonight (18/3/14)
18-03-14 10:42
9 1.3K
Where can I make gay friends?
01-02-14 16:29
8 1.9K
Relationship Regrets?
17-03-14 8:02
2 903
Forum meet in March 1234
06-02-14 1:15
120 10.1K
Gay bar in waterford
28-07-08 15:44
5 3.1K
Fred Phelps soon to meet his maker....
17-03-14 2:36
1 515
Ellen Page From 'JUNO' comes out :-)
16-02-14 5:56
10 2.2K
Homophobic Posters at NUIG
14-03-14 12:24
3 1K
Question about a phrase?
12-03-14 19:05
8 980
LGBTQ History- Limerick?
13-03-14 8:55
0 268
Looking- New Gay TV show 12
19-01-14 16:11
51 6K
LGBT existant in Cavan?
11-03-14 1:51
2 822
US Court rules against Scott Lively
16-08-13 9:16
1 652
Uganda to pass anti-gay law
15-02-14 22:21
25 1.7K
Bisexual partner (Mod Note: Post #2)
05-03-14 16:52
12 1.8K
Sober gay friends
09-03-14 21:21
7 1.1K
Engagement/wedding items for gay friend?
26-02-14 19:32
19 1.6K
We need help! We need two witness for civil partnership application.
02-03-14 17:12
5 1.2K
opinions on grindr
19-12-13 2:40
20 7.5K
possible move to Galway
02-02-14 21:31
18 2.7K