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Junior Cert

Secondary school junior certificate.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Junior Cert English
17-02-10 23:11
5 594
Christmas exam results!
14-12-09 22:32
26 3K
Plans for after the JC 12
11-02-10 21:33
58 3.1K
Ok right. Haven't even done the Junior yet and I'm worrying about the leaving!
10-02-10 13:09
10 1.1K
13-02-10 21:51
2 696
Who makes the mock papers
10-02-10 21:30
4 3K
2nd year dyslexic needs tutor
07-02-10 0:29
2 558
A simple way to explain algebra
05-02-10 12:45
39 2.9K
Size of Answer Booklets in Junior Cert., etc.
03-02-10 20:20
8 1.1K
looking for JC Irish and English grinds in Kilkenny
07-12-09 19:29
8 2.2K
Maths Books, Grind
27-01-10 10:17
6 1.1K
please delete
02-02-10 22:07
4 947
Eircom StudyHub
22-01-10 22:41
1 1.4K
French Grinds
26-01-10 0:06
0 448
Predictions for 2010
06-01-10 0:31
15 2.6K
Christmas House Exams
21-11-09 12:32
7 1.3K
new year,new thread
01-01-10 13:54
25 2.2K
What do you have to learn?
02-01-10 23:07
3 775
Schools closed until January 11th? 12
05-01-10 18:38
76 12.4K
French Grinds
08-01-10 19:39
1 524
higher/ordinary level?
05-01-10 19:53
4 740
geography codes
05-01-10 18:08
2 683
Bi ag scriobh and Verb Glance Card
05-01-10 14:31
1 734
Junior cert maths grinds in Cork
04-01-10 19:49
1 989
Music grinds
03-01-10 23:11
2 644
Junior Cert awards 2009
16-12-09 18:22
12 1.8K
How to study for english anf french???
25-12-09 13:45
2 886
Leaving After Junior Cert ? Some Q's
23-12-09 0:20
18 9.3K
Science Lab Copy Experiments Problem
03-11-09 12:09
17 5.8K
Mocks Already
06-12-09 21:07
14 1.8K