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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Washing Line Pole Fixings
04-06-18 11:37
2 239
External timber frame wall
02-06-18 10:12
3 353
Bent gate ground pin
31-05-18 11:36
2 189
Water butt in front garden
03-06-18 22:13
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RSJ offcut...
02-06-18 23:55
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Fairco Glazing
03-06-18 10:40
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Gutter repair
30-05-18 22:34
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Sealant between curb and tarmac?
31-05-18 10:05
16 1.3K
Polyester fabric dye
31-05-18 19:16
0 113
Customising an IKEA Pax Wardrobe
31-05-18 15:44
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Mould behind plasterboard in shower?
30-05-18 15:54
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Insect problem
30-05-18 17:35
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New Upvc door and 4 windows-Cost??
07-11-12 15:36
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Iroko Teak Gates
29-05-18 12:06
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Suitable concrete spec for 40mm floor
05-05-14 11:04
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Greenhouse/conservatory DIY impossible mission
25-05-18 22:52
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Metal eve shoot leaking - what use to best repair
28-05-18 12:01
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Woodworm in Piano - should I get it out of house ASAP ?
28-05-18 10:15
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Primer for Lime based render
27-05-18 17:14
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Advice on making resin table top
22-05-18 23:39
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Easiest way to power a wired smoke detector?
24-05-18 17:58
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Should I have any problems putting a water filter on the pipe before it goes into the
25-05-18 11:03
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Metal work outsourcing
25-05-18 10:31
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How could I connect a water pump into a reservoir with a float?
23-05-18 11:59
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Painting outside of house.
24-05-18 20:00
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Pole camera for loft inspection
23-05-18 11:39
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House Interior Design Event RDS
24-05-18 12:46
1 157
Built in postbox on stone wall
03-04-17 23:00
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Drylining window reveal 12
19-05-18 22:50
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Bbq - is this okay?
14-06-15 21:02
4 982