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Reconstruction costs
01-08-10 21:12
1 394
Kitchen Suppliers
03-08-10 15:26
0 562
Supplier for RAL coloured fascia and soffit
03-08-10 11:38
0 471
Pipe Insulation Contractors
03-08-10 10:00
0 73
Bonding contiga tape
02-08-10 17:01
0 846
Stupid Q - those with timber frame houses
30-07-10 16:33
6 3.7K
Attic Conversion - Hipped roof
16-07-10 13:08
19 14.8K
broken chimney liners
01-08-10 13:32
0 376
Roof insulation request for options
27-07-10 11:47
6 967
Northern Ireland Kitchen Companies
31-07-10 20:11
0 809
Self Build Insurance
30-07-10 16:44
0 652
Architect/Arch Tech recommendations (Tipperary).
29-07-10 16:46
1 736
Building a new stove area - Advice Needed
26-07-10 12:05
6 1.1K
Tradesman Gone Missing
28-07-10 14:48
19 1.8K
Pumping insulation into cavity
26-07-10 18:10
5 1.7K
Anyone built using SIP Panel Method??
28-07-10 20:10
0 479
planners rights
25-07-10 15:20
5 775
Stone Work - Granite Head
28-07-10 13:40
0 426
Insulated plasterboard - avoiding insulation gaps
28-07-10 0:04
3 1.5K
Possibility of getting electricity on site?
26-07-10 9:45
4 817
Ledger for porch
26-07-10 15:57
3 673
Ceiling Tiles for Apartment Complex Common Areas
27-07-10 11:39
0 405
Further information: Sterilizing of land
16-06-10 9:51
13 4.8K
Is planning needed to expand 26 year old shed?
26-07-10 21:20
3 542
Central vacuum - heat extraction from house?
30-06-10 0:02
4 971
Want to install a stove - have no chimney!
26-07-10 11:51
4 5.5K
Builder / Landscaper Required in Kildare
26-07-10 11:12
0 485
Pumped Cavity Insulation - Drylining a good idea?
30-06-10 15:37
8 1.6K
Building Natural Stone with Granite Cills
14-07-10 13:09
25 2.7K
HRV anxiety
23-07-10 11:40
2 1.4K