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Computers & Technology

Computers and technology.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
~Changeing the host device for port forwarding.
12-05-08 21:05
0 0
12-05-08 20:23
0 305
copying dvd's
10-05-08 21:46
7 773
Recording sound on your pc
11-05-08 11:53
3 446
installing OS with no CD-rom
17-04-08 19:49
20 1.1K
External Hard Drive USb & external dvd rom not being picked up by windows
12-05-08 0:41
5 798
External Hard-drive Problem
12-05-08 13:16
3 438
Fresh install - Won't read video controller.
12-05-08 11:56
4 389
PC running 24h a day just died after turning it off
10-05-08 14:10
4 606
Firefox and disappearing bookmarks!!!
10-05-08 14:21
8 463
External USB HD parition question.
08-05-08 12:20
1 353
PC reboots for no apparent reason
10-05-08 15:56
13 973
Saving Torrents
11-05-08 2:33
7 675
Need Help! No Sound On Computer!
10-05-08 20:58
9 725
what to do with my old computer
10-05-08 22:04
3 458
Question about Dell PCs
24-04-08 20:26
26 1.4K
To change from client/server to terminal server?
09-05-08 0:45
1 391
Is running a 6 pin firewire socket from 4 pin laptop motherboard bad practice?
10-05-08 22:25
0 573
Problem with Video Drivers
10-05-08 18:29
7 415
New HDD; Linux and a Custom All-In-One Touchscreen
10-05-08 19:08
0 9
Custom hardware designer needed...
10-05-08 18:13
0 322
D ban hdd cleaner
10-05-08 16:37
14 688
RTE Media Player
10-05-08 15:19
10 771
Windows Install Help
10-05-08 17:18
0 41
switch box for printer & 2 laptops
09-05-08 17:07
2 386
Don't know where else to look.
10-05-08 12:35
3 419
sound troubles
10-05-08 0:44
3 411
Experiance Needed.
10-05-08 12:31
0 9
Microsoft Office on the Cheap
10-05-08 12:03
0 2
External HDs: Suggestions from this list, please!
09-05-08 9:13
6 549