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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Government promoting sexism
15-12-11 14:25
28 1.6K
How come Women dont get Hairy arses 123
14-12-11 0:37
68 7.9K
Christmas Tree Lights - White or Coloured?
15-12-11 14:35
25 1.6K
Yes Violence is bad, this story is sickening etc but... 12...45
07-12-11 11:32
150 17.7K
Diarmuid Martin, lapsed Catholics should have the maturity to leave the church. 12...45
10-12-11 14:15
136 11K
Will our feet eventually evolve into hands? 123
11-12-11 19:26
70 4.9K
Free GP visits for families by 2015.....I believe it when I see it 12
18-11-11 19:23
47 3.3K
The euro
14-12-11 23:37
25 2K
Dunnes Get Their Comeuppance 123
14-12-11 11:32
61 5.5K
Hot trend: Demand for designer firewood heats up
15-12-11 9:13
12 1.2K
Found - 6.9 Billion in gold (India) 123
04-07-11 10:05
81 8.7K
parent in law presents aggggh
15-12-11 11:46
2 360
Aggro Bouncer
15-12-11 10:51
11 784
Can white girls dance?
15-12-11 11:07
1 531
A question for the ladies
15-12-11 3:56
9 939
Are we the worst dressed nation in Europe ? 12...56
15-12-11 2:34
164 16.6K
Batman The Dark Knight Rises 7 minute prologue.
15-12-11 1:30
5 1.8K
World War 3 - Who will Win it ? 12...56
02-12-11 12:22
177 12.9K
help with place names please 12
07-12-11 1:51
52 3.3K
Should you tip the bin man ? 123
15-12-11 0:09
88 6.6K
Man jailed for tax and social welfare fraud
11-11-11 19:37
22 4.8K
Squatting in style!
14-12-11 22:54
4 659
What do you think happens when you die? 123
11-12-11 15:30
74 4.9K
Buying yourself Christmas presents
14-12-11 22:21
20 1.3K
Your Local Authority - what kind of wastage is happening in your town/city/county?
14-12-11 22:05
6 530
Only 146 votes? It's a dog's life...
14-12-11 16:08
12 1.3K
[Indonesia] Aceh ‘Punks’ Arrested for ‘Re-education’
14-12-11 13:52
28 2.4K
21% of Irish people have never used internet 123
14-12-11 20:23
72 4.1K
Which is better? Real or Fake Xmas trees 12
22-11-11 13:58
57 3.5K
snow or no?
14-12-11 18:14
20 1.6K