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Weddings, Marriage & Civil Partnership

Something old, something new, something borrowed and shotguns, everything you need for the happy day!
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Gift for husband-to-be 12
15-09-14 12:08
46 5.5K
Wedding Venues around Ireland
15-09-14 18:14
12 1.6K
Village at Lyons
27-09-12 22:18
13 2.5K
Booking a venue
19-09-14 9:05
6 753
Proposing to girlfriend ideas 12
03-09-14 0:50
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Catering advice needed
17-09-14 21:46
3 505
Italian Wedding - Need food orders 6 months in advance?
15-09-14 12:57
21 2.1K
Engagement ring size
16-09-14 0:42
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Remembering a deceased parent at wedding. 12
13-09-14 23:22
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Engagement Ring New York
15-07-12 15:41
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How to get married - Help!
16-09-14 12:09
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Fallon & Byrne
06-09-14 11:12
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To invite or not, please help
29-08-14 13:28
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Where to have BBQ Wedding Reception 12
11-07-11 23:08
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sand pouring ceremony
15-09-14 21:11
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Things that people used to do at weddings! 12
12-09-14 20:12
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evening entertainment ideas
09-09-14 19:55
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DIY Sweet Selection, where to buy wholesale sweets?
02-09-14 22:16
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Sample Sale - Wedding Journal Show
16-09-14 15:55
0 264
Small wedding for 15 people
29-08-14 12:29
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Things that have been done to embarrassing death 12...45
06-09-14 11:43
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I'm getting married in the morning .....
08-09-14 22:11
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Clarence penthouse or Roxford Lodge
13-09-14 14:02
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RDS Wedding fair
19-08-14 0:53
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wedding invitations
03-09-14 22:03
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Canapys/Cocktails before civil ceremony??
11-09-14 12:04
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Second day meal 1234
11-09-14 13:18
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10-09-14 22:34
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Looking for a funky wedding band.
10-09-14 18:51
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Bridezilla Stories 12...45
06-08-14 12:24
129 49.6K