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Student Finances

Grants, fees, cost of living, registration fees, etc.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Susi requesting a FÁS statement ?
13-08-13 7:28
1 481
If I get my BA and want another BA or masters will I have to pay fees?
11-08-13 23:02
4 379
Is there any help available to repeat Leaving Cert as an adult?
10-08-13 11:08
7 751
mature student grant proof of address
17-10-12 13:52
6 680
Need to get Social Welfare receipts for SUSI ??
02-08-13 18:01
7 1.3K
Finance for Irish studying GEM in the UK
08-08-13 16:04
0 339
BTEA changes budget 2013
05-12-12 23:48
29 4.2K
05-08-13 19:33
3 376
€200 Government Levy fee
03-09-11 0:44
12 5.3K
BTEA Payment
01-08-13 19:38
1 443
Maintenance Grant if studying in Germany/Switzerland/Austria?
03-08-13 13:00
2 312
31-07-13 14:55
4 490
College Fee's for direct entry
29-07-13 18:17
2 433
How long does it take SUSI to make a decision about your grant?
02-08-13 12:46
1 1.2K
Grant website crashing
01-08-13 19:42
5 496
Susi Deadline now midday today!
02-08-13 8:59
0 231
Susi Documents on Evidence of Residency
01-08-13 11:35
1 410
Will I post extra info with the BTEA form ??
01-08-13 11:36
5 308
Do I Qualify for Free Fees
01-08-13 11:42
2 464
Wrong Grant !! for 2 years Advise Needed
31-07-13 2:46
4 639
Bank maintenance fees paid while being a student - refunded?
28-07-13 1:31
1 338
Has anyone with a level 8 gotten BTEA for another level 8?
31-07-13 12:25
4 391
ISTQB Exam fee
30-04-13 11:57
1 1.3K
VEC Help
28-07-13 19:46
4 396
Back To Education
30-07-13 12:02
0 310
28-07-13 19:44
1 356
Student accomadation, which rate?
29-07-13 13:48
3 439
Higher Education Grant
26-07-13 9:03
7 569
Medical Card and College Fees
26-07-13 16:18
1 412
Back to Education - Redundancy
25-07-13 18:26
4 573