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Forum for the discussion of sheep.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Sheep census
12-02-24 0:49
5 281
Lick bucket for ewes lambing
05-02-24 16:58
3 192
Sheep Slats on concrete floor
04-02-24 21:53
7 302
Fluke dose for ewes this time of year
08-01-24 14:33
34 1.8K
Wool in the midlands
08-01-24 9:52
2 171
Tipped lambs
31-12-23 18:05
2 252
Lamb shed finishing
11-12-23 14:28
5 523
Ground Limestone & Copper deficiency in sheep
20-11-23 18:54
2 211
Neighbours sheep on my private property
07-11-23 21:26
11 1K
Herbicide for thistles that will not kill clover
04-11-23 23:18
13 631
advantage feeders
02-11-23 19:42
5 343
Fluke dose
30-10-23 11:57
0 91
biss and criss pauments
25-10-23 11:43
0 141
Red tinged wool in ewes - What is the cause?
22-10-23 22:10
9 472
Dung sample
09-10-23 10:59
2 191
Organic feed for lambing
05-10-23 18:12
5 261
Sheep sponges
27-09-23 17:36
9 351
Anyone using footvax
27-09-23 9:27
31 3.2K
Price of xbred mature ewes?
17-09-23 10:41
2 201
New Sheep Shed
11-09-23 20:45
3 271
Heptavac P Plus left out of fridge
11-08-23 21:42
8 582
Sheep walk
06-08-23 20:40
1 151
When to give minerals to ewes pre mating
02-08-23 17:02
2 231
Do i have enough work for a sheepdog
22-07-23 16:02
4 381
3 speed shearing machine
Answered ✓
28-06-23 6:44
2 101
Selling a lamb with maggots
23-06-23 23:01
2 401
Ram on his own getting aggressive
23-05-23 14:26
5 372
Lambing 2023
12-05-23 11:06
7 511
Treating scald in lambs
04-05-23 19:37
5 371
Thick Slurry additives
23-04-23 8:16
0 91