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Sailing & Boating

For boat-related activities on the sea, lakes and rivers.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Classic wooden speedboat build , sink, search for, recovery and rebuild. 12...2021
07-10-24 14:55
1K 195.7K
Boating & Sailing Links
15-07-21 14:44
46 23.2K
Crew available / crew wanted 1234
12-07-11 23:29
171 37.3K
A restoration tale (with pics) 12...1617
23-03-11 19:29
814 177.9K
Cruiser restoration and wheelchair adaption 12...89
08-04-16 16:24
434 62.4K
Lock keepers / patrollers numbers
09-04-18 16:04
1 2K
CHARTER: Read before posting (14/6/'06)
12-06-11 18:45
0 14.5K
Boating chit chat thread. 12...6566
12-01-25 9:46
3.3K 155.1K
Replacing timber on Lake boat (Gunnels/Gunwales)
11-01-25 17:34
1 30
Ideas for Christmas present
22-12-24 11:39
15 192
Air dried white oak for steaming ribs
19-12-24 18:09
4 72
Funny boat pics,videos and jokes. 12...1213
02-12-24 11:14
620 111.4K
Decent tide tables please
26-11-24 12:56
6 101
13-11-24 13:32
3 177
Weekend photos 12...1011
31-10-24 20:06
548 53.7K
Sailing & Boating on the Telly 123
28-09-24 22:19
108 7.6K
On the verge of purchasing a boat from the U.K. 1234
05-09-24 8:08
192 12.6K
Best Free Maritime Tracking app?
02-09-24 10:03
2 74
Sinking of the Bayesian
02-09-24 7:49
9 641
Orkney Longliner 16 Sligo area location
30-08-24 22:29
5 151
Sailing Dinghy - car roof and 6ft tall
23-08-24 11:04
3 143
Could anyone recommend a mechanic and surveyor near Termonbarry
22-08-24 20:37
2 53
Boat Vandalised, now it won't start, advice?
14-08-24 12:57
6 331
Would this Sea Ray SS be an alcoholic?
11-08-24 17:15
3 231
02-08-24 15:33
6 132
Bay of Biscay via motorboat
29-07-24 8:08
20 701
Hire boat trip on the River Shannon
25-07-24 11:55
8 582
Boat transport Ireland
21-07-24 13:32
5 172
Buy an old narrowboat in the UK
12-07-24 12:14
2 131
French Lifeboat Skipper Cleared of All Charges in Trial Over Failed Rescue
22-06-24 23:30
3 231
Batteries Yanmar 3YM30
12-06-24 9:58
1 61
Where to buy marine ply for Glen L Malahini
Answered ✓
29-04-24 11:44
5 162
Project Outboard
29-04-24 11:36
1 71
Marina Fees - Rossaveel Galway
28-04-24 17:19
0 142
Living on a Sailboat in Cork
14-04-24 20:53
36 5.7K
Stainless steel work
13-04-24 9:02
2 121
Documentation Purchasing a Boat
11-03-24 23:33
11 575