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Nets & Comms

General networks and communications discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Wiring inside phone junction box
19-07-22 21:43
2 151
Suggest replacement for Vodafone's crappy HG659?
13-07-22 23:22
1 51
Advice on fibre broadband connection
08-07-22 1:06
25 1.3K
Comreg list of signal repeater suppliers?
01-07-22 22:44
1 72
Home network installers
20-06-22 18:32
2 41
Smart DNS query
20-06-22 8:32
3 451
Barber Courses in Ireland
16-06-22 9:57
1 84
Splitting buried outdoor cat 6 cable for extra ports on patio?
12-06-22 13:24
7 101
Getting ICMP 3/13 (Communication administratively filtered) packets from VM Hub
09-06-22 23:39
2 491
Koreans in Cork
09-06-22 14:44
5 161
Boost in-house Phone Reception
07-06-22 19:08
5 234
Create wifi from ethernet port
06-06-22 23:18
21 344 harassment
01-06-22 10:46
2 111
unifi AP no stock, any alternate suggestions please
26-05-22 21:51
16 181
Multiple hardware devices at same location - splitter or dedicated feeds
26-05-22 10:44
2 41
Modem to router query
25-05-22 23:20
3 81
need cheaper broadband info needed
25-05-22 19:29
2 71
New build and 4G router
22-05-22 11:20
1 41
21-05-22 20:07
2 61
Point to point extender
16-05-22 15:25
19 382
Drumcondra test
12-05-22 9:57
4 41
Vlan issues tplink ax1500 replaced VF router
06-05-22 10:18
2 62
Eir wireless broadband
04-05-22 19:40
1 71
AP, Mesh or old routers to eliminate WiFi deadspots
04-05-22 16:46
3 41
Rotary phone issues
03-05-22 18:18
3 91
Landline Caller ID in International format 00353
02-05-22 13:42
0 41
Outbound Calls to Northern Ireland not connecting from West Limerick landline
01-05-22 22:25
0 11
Olivia Rodrigo Tickets
30-04-22 18:25
1 71
Vodafone vs Eir
25-04-22 21:47
0 71
Equally share broadband?
24-04-22 20:25
1 31