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Nets & Comms

General networks and communications discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
VPN to lte router no static sim ip
20-04-22 21:39
3 31
Internet signal only on one phone line
18-04-22 9:14
17 141
Cat 5e, Cat 5or Cat 6 cable
17-04-22 16:31
0 51
F2000 and TP Link archer
17-04-22 2:01
0 41
Router suggestion?
15-04-22 17:51
6 61
New modem advice needed
13-04-22 22:58
15 250
New Build and Cat 6
10-04-22 21:08
8 131
Connection issue across routers.
27-03-22 7:32
1 31
Hardwired network
22-03-22 18:27
8 316
Is 5G better than 4G for booking tickets ?
19-03-22 12:42
2 173
5g Router Position/Recommend
14-03-22 17:34
0 31
Aruba vs unifi AP
09-03-22 0:58
9 101
IPV6 on Netgear Nighthawk Router on Virgin media in Modem mode
05-03-22 10:48
4 249
Thoughts on 10Gbe home networks
21-02-22 9:51
15 464
Cant open specific Ports on VM 3 Hub
20-02-22 17:04
6 51
Tp link router/modem for vodafone 150-200 budget
17-02-22 12:19
1 21
3G/4G signal coverage
15-02-22 20:03
48 562
Eir Master Socket wiring guide
08-02-22 7:57
2 1.8K
Adding USB Storage to Eir F2000 modem
02-02-22 9:04
3 456
Setting up a VPN network
01-02-22 15:07
0 21
Recommendations for someone who could do a network/wiring nixer ?
28-01-22 10:36
1 51
Can anyone interpret this pingplotter result
25-01-22 17:05
7 121
Rewire and Access Points Suggestions
10-01-22 16:13
11 131
Is Eir service and landline automatically cancelled when switching to Virgin Media cable?
07-12-21 17:26
4 97
Powerline Adapter Advice
06-12-21 15:29
0 51
Which external antenna?
01-12-21 18:15
8 201
Please delete, wrong forum.
19-11-21 23:02
0 11
Help with setting up seperate IOT network
15-11-21 9:50
3 61
RJ45 Plug to RJ11 Socket Adapter Convertor
13-11-21 23:27
4 51
recommendation for network wiring setup
12-11-21 18:03
3 101