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Health Sciences

Evolution, genetics, neurology, anatomy, etc.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
21-10-12 14:04
0 44
Health and Safety issues Cabinteely Park
19-10-12 22:36
0 0
Paying for A&E Visits
05-10-12 15:17
10 2K
Private blood transfusion
18-10-12 11:03
5 557
Zinc oxide and plain zinc
16-10-12 22:19
1 418
private medical problem
17-10-12 18:24
6 596
ENT consultant fee
12-07-12 22:02
5 7.7K
Medical work experience?
16-10-12 6:38
0 402
Infacol - no evidence that it works
10-10-12 22:40
13 3.3K
Head cold and general anaesthesia
12-10-12 21:47
1 460
GLIOBLASTOMA Multiforme Grade 4
12-10-12 11:12
1 605
Black mamba venom is 'better painkiller' than morphine
04-10-12 1:57
5 722
toenail removal
10-10-12 1:26
1 464
Will northern pharmacies fill out southern prescriptions?
11-06-09 13:53
11 7.5K
Where could I buy Potassium permanganate?
08-10-12 13:03
5 6.8K
Drug identifying site for Ireland/UK
05-10-12 20:06
0 352
Blood test query
03-10-12 0:17
1 481
Reactive hypoglycaemia, seeking doctor Cork City
02-10-12 18:39
1 438
Flu vaccine available tomorrow
01-10-12 23:31
1 469
Stop the press, fyi, LUAS drivers are considering strike
02-09-12 1:26
13 2.6K
6-in-1 vaccinations and autesim links? 12
26-09-12 10:57
52 5.3K
Peak Flow Expectation readings or averages.
18-09-12 14:58
4 766
Chest Pains
27-09-12 1:46
1 475
25-09-12 10:22
2 2.5K
hse nurse recruitment campaign
04-06-11 13:24
11 3.2K
Possible cancer killer needs funding
04-09-12 3:53
6 1K
What can you use medical card for?
17-09-12 15:12
12 3.4K
Free patient record app?
19-09-12 14:50
9 1.1K
First-time outpatient waiting list doubles to 340,000
20-09-12 21:05
1 476
looking for surgeon advice
20-09-12 0:31
1 412